The course of Contemporary History is part of the program in Philosophy and it is included among the basic training activities. At the end of the course students are expected to know the characterising elements of contemporary Europe: a small but varied continent, because of the coexistence and the overlapping (whithin a comparatively narrow amount of space) of nationalities, cultures, traditions, religions that shape multietnichal, multicultural and multireligious societies. To highlight the necessity and the convenience of multidisciplinary approaches to historically complex realities.
teacher profile | teaching materials


History and politics of Europe in the nineteenth century
History and politics of Europe in the twentieth century

Core Documentation

Two books to choose from among the following:
S. Aleksievic, La guerra non ha un volto di donna, Bompiani;
F. Chabod, Storia dell’idea d’Europa, Laterza;
D. Frescobaldi, Jugoslavia perché, Ponte alle Grazie;
U. Gentiloni Silveri, Storia dell’Italia contemporanea, Il Mulino;
A. Giovagnoli, La Repubblica degli italiani 1946-2016, Laterza;
G. Ieranò, Arcipelago. Isole e miti del Mar Egeo, Einaudi;
R. Morozzo della Rocca, Passaggio a Oriente. La modernità e l’Europa ortodossa, Morcelliana.

Type of evaluation

Verification of learning takes place through an oral test.