The course aims to present the most important characteristics of the linguistic system at the light of the communicative functions and of their different paradigms, with a theorical and a practical perspective.
The teaching/learning activities seek to develop the knowledge of the linguistic methods of research and, in the same time, the comprehension of the general grammatical, semantic and pragmatic rules of the verbal codes.
The course is divided in three sections:
1. Traits of the analysis and functions: sounds, words and sentences
2. Elements of history of the linguistic thought
3. Texts and examples in context
The students learn to recognize a series of distinctive phenomena of the linguistic families and typologies and, at the end of the course, they will be able in defining and classifying the most relevant aspects and mechanisms of the morpho-syntactic and lexical variation. In particular, considering the three focuses of the lessons, they will know:
-to describe and to compare the grammatical models of diverse periods and schools;
-to develop a contrastive analysis of linguistic classes and categories;
-to indicate the links between grammar, communicative needs and texts.
Work-shops, experiments and surveys complete the lessons face to face for improving a theorical and applied training.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Functions and elements of the languages

Steps of the linguistic studies

Sociolinguistics and mass media: journalese yes/no/maybe

Core Documentation

De Mauro T. Guida all'uso delle parole, 2019
Graffi G Breve storia della linguistica.2019
Catricalà Maria Linguistica e giornalismo , 2015

Reference Bibliography

Saussure F. de Corso di Lingusitca Generale, trad. it. 1967 Cardona G, R, Introduzione alla sociolinguistica, 2009

Type of delivery of the course

Lessonss face to to face. Power point presentation are available on line


If the students do not attend the lessons in the classroom , they can not prepare the individual project for the final oral examination.

Type of evaluation

Test in itinere on knowledge and competence regarding to the first part of the program Final test: written and oral exam on the third part of the program and the individual project -work