The aim of the course is to provide the students with the basic notions of textual linguistics. The course will introduce the students to the main typologies of texts (narrative, argumentative, descriptive), as well as to the main features of a written or oral text.
At the end of the course the student will be able to produce written texts of different types, according to the theoretical and practical notions acquired during the course.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is divided into three parts. The first part will be dedicated to the acquisition of a practical guide to the use of Italian (vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, syntax, style, basic editorial rules), necessary to build a clear and precise text. The second part will be dedicated to the analysis of some written texts belonging to different types (descriptive, argumentative, narrative), evaluating their internal techniques, style and effectiveness - in dialogue with Elena Ferrante's creative and metalinguistic laboratory. Finally, by learning the elements necessary to build one's own «diffracted authorship», the third part will be dedicated to practical exercises on topics related to the ecological and climatic crisis, with the aim of improving the communication and writing skills of each student.

Core Documentation

E. Ferrante, La frantumaglia. Nuova edizione ampliata, Edizioni e/o, Roma 2016, pp. 93-160, 181-186, 231-234, 249-280.
E. Ferrante, L’invenzione occasionale, Edizioni e/o, Roma 2019, pp. 5-6, 17-22, 31-32, 39-42, 55-56, 59-64, 75-76, 81-84, 87-92, 97-102, 105-110.
V. Gheno, Guida pratica all’italiano scritto, Franco Ceseati Editore, Firenze 2016.
I. Pinto, Elena Ferrante. Poetiche e politiche della soggettività, Mimesis, Milano 2020.

Other teaching materials will be provided during the lessons.

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons will take place face to face except in the case of another decision due to the protracted pandemic emergency. Lessons start on Friday 8 October 2021.


Mandatory Attendance.

Type of evaluation

Written paper, to be delivered one week before the oral exam.