The course on Computer science for the humanities is part of the educational curriculum of the university degree in Communication studies.

In accordance with the objectives of the degree program, the course will provide students with a basic knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the digital ecosystem, and to introduce the use of computers and digital tools in the humanities, with special reference to text encoding, analysis and representation.

The main aim of the teaching is to allow students to understand the principles underlying the digital devices they use every day, acquiring the core notions required to understand the relevance of the research and debate in the field of Digital Humanities.

At the end of the course, participants will understand the basic principles of the theory of information, as well as the main ideas allowing for the use of digital tools and information in the humanities.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is organized into two main sections:

Section A - The digital world: A basic introduction. The concepts of information and digitization. Turing machine. Von Neumann machine. Computer. Networks: history, topology, protocols. Introduction to the world wide web and to mark-up languages; Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Strong and weak AI, Turing test, connectionism, neural networks. Internet as global medium and features of online communication.

Section B - Introduction to digital humanities: the definition of DH; forms of digital textuality; Introduction to textual encoding; Basic notions of Digital publishing; Digital tools for school and learning.

Section A is propedeutic to section B.

Core Documentation

Modulo A: - Fabio Ciotti e Gino Roncaglia, Il mondo digitale, cap. I-IX, Laterza 2000 (16a ristampa, 2021)

Modulo B: - Fabio Ciriaci, Informatica per le scienze umane, McGraw Hill Italia 2012 (disponibile in formato digitale sugli store on-line)
- Gino Roncaglia, L'età della frammentazione, Laterza 2020 (second, augmented edition)

I non frequentanti e i frequentanti che non avessero superato la prova scritta integreranno questi testi con
- Franco Moretti, La letteratura vista da lontano, Einaudi 2005

Type of delivery of the course

This year the course will be online only, using both the Moodle platform (reference and learning content) and the Teams platform (live lessons). The first lesson is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 4, at 11.00, on Microsoft Teams.

Type of evaluation

written test, with the possibility of a supplementary oral test if needed