20702642 - TV and Radio Broadcasting: cultures and formats

This course provides students with an overview on formats, storytelling and production forms of contemporary radio and television broadcasting, now almost entirely digitized, in a mediascape characterized by a vast offer of audiovisual contents on various platforms, with several delivery patterns. Contemporary broadcasting is characterized by a large amount of audiovisual contents proposed (pay o for free) to the audiences, available on a wide range of devices (TV screens, tablets, outdoor), both domestic and mobile. The audiovisual contents proposed by broadcasting media are also challenged by grassroots contents production and delivery through social networks, YouTube, web radio and TV stations.
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The course serves to explain the expressive languages, formats and production of radio and TV in today's almost completely digital world, characterised by a great expansion in the supply of audiovisual content, the multiplication of distribution platforms and fruition devices.

The course is divided into two parts.

The first is dedicated to addressing the basic notions that allow us to frame the radio and television language from a theoretical point of view: schedule, format, genres, seriality, audience.

The second part focuses on the recent history of the two media, from the late 1970s to the contemporary situation, focusing on the main evolutions of the genres and the construction of the offer in the national panorama.

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Core Documentation

- E. Menduni, Televisione e radio nel XXI secolo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2016
- M. Perrotta, Fare radio. Formati, programmi e strategie per la radiofonia digitale, Roma, Audino, 2017

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal teaching, seminars and visit to radio and TV studios.

Type of evaluation

The exam is oral. Students will be asked to answer questions on the topics covered in the lessons and contained in the exam texts. The topics can be dealt with freely, proving to have acquired skills in the cultures and formats of broadcast media.