The course of Philosophical Hermeneutics is part of the program in Philosophy and it is included among the complementary training activities. Students will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the discussion and argument both from a theoretical and a historical-philosophical perspective. At the end of the course the student will acquire:
-) Ability to analyze and interpret philosophical texts;
-) Properties of language and argumentation;
-) Ability to contextualize the acquired knowledge in the Philosophical debate.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Desire for the other, mimetic desire, desire for the object: Hegel, Kojève, Lacan, Girard

The course intends to analyze the ways in which the question of desire has been addressed along a trajectory of contemporary thought that goes from Alexandre Kojève to Jacques Lacan up to authors such as René Girard and Judith Butler.

Core Documentation

G.W.F. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, IV section
A. Kojève, Introduction to the Reading of Hegel, Cornell University Press
J. Lacan, Ecrits, WW Norton and Co
R. Girard, Violence and the Sacred, Bllomsbury USA Academic

Reference Bibliography

J. Butler, Subjects of Desire, Columbia University Press

Type of evaluation

oral examination Erasmus students will be able to take the exam in English