20710612 - Filosofia politica contemporanea - LM

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710612 FILOSOFIA POLITICA CONTEMPORANEA - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 GIARDINI FEDERICA


Politics of nature
The environmental issue requires a subversion of political thought in the Western canon.
How can we think of a politics that is no longer a characteristic sphere of human subjects alone?
A reconnaissance of the so-called "environmental" or "ecological" problems is necessary to imagine again and again the sphere of interactions between human and non-human.

Core Documentation

I. Stengers, Cosmopolitics - selected chapters - Cosmopolitics I; Cosmopolitics VII
Ann H. Kelly, Frédéric Keck, and Christos Lynteris (Eds.), The Anthropology of Epidemics, Routledge 2019

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and debate

Type of evaluation

A paper (about 30,000 characters) on the topics and texts of the course to be discussed at the oral exam. The paper must be delivered ten days before the chosen exam date by e-mail to: federica.giardini@uniroma3.it Erasmus students can present their paper in their native language or in English In the case of emergency by COVID-19 the following modalities will be applied: oral distance exams through the Microsoft Teams platform.