The course aims to illustrate how the historical perspective, the sociolinguistics, the pragmatics and the semiotics can analyze the language of newspapers highlighting the lexical, syntactic and morphological features and the intercultural aspects of different texts. A part of course will focus on the cognitive paradigm, the titles and the metaphors.
There are no prerequisites. Specific activities could be organized to support the study of the foreign students and the working students.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710075 LINGUISTICA E GIORNALISMO - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 CATRICALA' MARIA


1.-Short excursus of the different traditional approaches

2. The newspapers corpora and the web journalism

3. THINGS, IDENTIES and ACTIVITIES: from the corpora to the conceptual representations

4. Media and social bias: racism and discrimination between written, spoken and comunicative frames

Core Documentation

Catricalà M. La linguistca cognitiva del giornalismo di moda , forthcoming publication

Freddi M. La lingusitca dei corpora, 2014

Van Dijk T. Ideologie. Discorso e costruzione sociale del pregiudizio, 2004

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons face to face in classroom and power point presentation, handouts, etc, are on line.


If the students can not attend the lessons, they have to study the same books. They cannot present the individual project and the exercises.

Type of evaluation

If the students do not attend the lessons in the classroom, they can not disccus yhe individual project -