The course on digital publishing is part of the educational curriculum devoted to the field of publishing within the LM in Information, Publishing, Journalism.

In accordance with the objectives of the degree program, the course will provide students a basic knowledge of the field of digital publishing, taking into account the change in the forms of textuality, in the evolution of reading devices and in reading practices.

The main aim of the teaching is to allow students to understand and differentiate various forms of digital storytelling, the main forms of digital textuality and of reading devices.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to understand practices, tools and models used in the field of digital publishing, and will possess the competencies required to analyze its main features.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is organized into two main sections:
Section A - Introduction to digital publishing: reading devices; mark-up and file formats; software and reading interfaces; models of content organization; multimedia, hypertexts, interactive books; digital and on-line encyclopedias; enhanced e-books; generative AI and publishing; digital book market.
Section B - The readers' point of view: reading habits in the digital ecosystem; social reading; augmented reading; online reading.

Core Documentation

Section A
- Gino Roncaglia, La quarta rivoluzione, Laterza 2010
- Gino Roncaglia, L'architetto e l'oracolo. Forme del sapere, da Wikipedia a ChatGPT, Laterza 2023
(the book is in press; if not available in time for the course, it will be replaced by lecture notes)

Section B
- Maurizio Vivarelli, La lettura, Editrice bibliografica 2018

Non-attending students and students not participating in project work will add
- Francesca Tomasi, Organizzare la conoscenza: Digital Humanities e web semantico, Bibliografica 2022
- Fabio Ciotti, Digital Humanities - Metodi, strumenti, saperi, Carocci 2023

A list of alternative textbooks in English is available upon request.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be in presence. Further courseware, as well as content related to project work activities, will be available on the Moodle platform.

Type of evaluation

For attending students, project work and written or oral test; for non attending students, oral test