21201721 - Competitive Strategies in Financial Services

The course aims at illustrating the strategic and organizational choices of suppliers of financial services, with special regard to banking groups operating in different business lines. These choices are analyzed in the light of business strategy and banking academic literature. The suppliers of financial services are influenced by regulatory and technological changes, in a market that is more and more international. During the course different business lines are observed (retail banking, private and corporate banking, payment services), taking care of the bundling and unbundling of different kinds of intermediation activities. Besides supply, also demand of financial services is analyzed; a large part of the the course is dedicated to Fintech, focussing on competitive strategic choices of newcomers (FinTech and BigTech) and of traditional financial institutions (incumbents). Traditional lectures, seminars, business cases and project works are the teaching methods used.
teacher profile | teaching materials



The essential topics are:
- Change and environment-strategy-structure relationship in the financial services industry
- Competitive scenario: the relevance of regulation and ICT
- Porter model applied to the financial services industry
- The business strategies of financial institutions: environment, goals, tools
- The diversification strategies of financial institutions: theoretical profiles
- The diversification strategies of financial institutions: principal characteristics and execution
- Supply side analysis. The relationships between concentration, competition, profitability and efficiency in financial institutions: from the S-C-P paradigm to the New Industrial organization
- Demand side analysis in retail banking: segmentation criteria, financial investment decisions, role of financial literacy, social media use
- Operations efficiency analysis: efficiency indicators, scale and scope economies
- The diversification strategies: strategic alliances, M&A, bancassurance
- The Fintech role on the strategic trends in financial services industry
- The managerial roles for strategic management in banking groups

Core Documentation

For attending students the texts are:

• D. Previati, Strategie competitive nei Servizi Finanziari, McGraw Hill, 2022
• Articles and other materials put on Moodle

For non attending students the assesment is based on oral test, based on the book D. Previati, Strategie competitive nei Servizi Finanziari, McGraw Hill, 2022
and the following articles (you can find them on Moodle):

• Banca d’Italia, Indagine Fintech nel sistema finanziario italiano, novembre 2021
• Di Antonio M., I processi di valutazione strategica nelle banche, 2022
• Fratini Passi L., Open banking: sfide nel mercato globale e prospettive per l’innovazione finanziaria, 2022
• Lucchini S., Il futuro delle banche, 2022
• Masera R., Nuovi rischi e regolazione delle criptovalute, 2022

• Suggested reading, not compulsory: V. Boscia, C. Schena, V. Stefanelli (a cura di), Digital Banking e Fin Tech, Bancaria Editrice, 2020

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, case discussions, project works, seminars and business cases presentations

Type of evaluation

For attending students the assessment is based on two project works and one oral test on programme contents For non attending students the assesment is based on oral test, based on the book D. Previati, Strategie competitive nei Servizi Finanziari, McGraw Hill, 2022 and the following articles (you can find them on Moodle: • Banca d’Italia, Indagine Fintech nel sistema finanziario italiano, novembre 2021 • Di Antonio M., I processi di valutazione strategica nelle banche, 2022 • Fratini Passi L., Open banking: sfide nel mercato globale e prospettive per l’innovazione finanziaria, 2022 • Lucchini S., Il futuro delle banche, 2022 • Masera R., Nuovi rischi e regolazione delle criptovalute, 2022 • Suggested reading, not compulsory: V. Boscia, C. Schena, V. Stefanelli (a cura di), Digital Banking e Fin Tech, Bancaria Editrice, 2020 https://www.bancariaeditrice.it/digital-banking-e-fintech