The objective of the course of Advanced Hydrodynamics is the to reach a good knowledge of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and to introduce the student to several advanced topics (industrial hydro- and fluid dynamics, non newtonian fluid mechanics, bio-fluid mechanics, etc.). At the end of the course, the students will be able to make numerical calculations by using a computer, in order to simulate the evolution of technically interesting hydrodynamic phenomena.
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Kinematics of fluids: analysis of the deformation in the neighbourhood of a point. Vorticity and related theorems. Decomposition of the velocity fields. The governing equations of Fluid Mechanics: mass, momentum and energy budget. Hydraulic models: the 1D scheme. Application to the analysis of unsteady pipe flows. The method of characteristics. Computational methods for the 1D scheme. The Navier-Stokes equation and its approximations in Hydrodynamics: low Reynolds number flows, lubrication theory, boundary layer theory, natural and forced convection, the Boussinesque approximation. Ideal flows. Turbulence for uncompressible fluids.

Core Documentation

Lecture notes

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, exsercises

Type of evaluation

Oral examination, with a duration of about an hour, with about two theoretical questions

teacher profile | teaching materials


Kinematics of fluids: analysis of the deformation in the neighbourhood of a point. Vorticity and related theorems. Decomposition of the velocity fields. The governing equations of Fluid Mechanics: massa, momentum and energy budget. Hydraulic modelds: the 1D scheme. Application to the analysis of unsteady pipe flows. The method of characteristics. Computational methods for the 1D scheme. The Navier-Stokes equation and its approximations in Hydrodynamics: low Reynolds number flows, lubrication tehory, boundary layer theory, natural and forced convection, the Boussinesque approximation. Ideal flows. Turbulence for uncompressible fluids.

Core Documentation

Lecture notes.
Readings suggested by the teacher.