Acquisition of basic receptive and productive skills (corresponding to CEFR level a2) of Arabic or Chinese written and spoken language, with particular attention to the reception and codification of linguistic informations within the cultural dialogue.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Chinese writing system (meaning and identification of radicals), phonological system and pinyin transcription; nominal and verbal phrase; usage and features of the main adverbs, prepositions, conjuctions and particles; auxiliary verbs; Chinese sentence constituents (features and order); types of questions; classifiers; locative particles.

Core Documentation

F. MASINI ET AL, Il cinese per gli italiani (vol. 1), Hoepli, 2006.
T. LIOI ET AL, Introduzione alla scrittura cinese, Hoepli, 2016.

Type of evaluation

Students are required to take a test at the end of the term and a final examination (written and oral).