20710234 - Letteratura tedesca II

One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aims at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis.
German Literature II is among the characterizing activities of the "Foreign Literatures" area. It allows students to deepen their knowledge of eighteenth and early nineteenth century German literature, with special attention to intercultural dynamics and the theoretical-methodological debate; it helps students master the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis.
At the end of the module, students will reach a good critical ability in the interpretation of exemplary texts in the original language, as well as the necessary competence for oral rewording, translation, rewriting and adaptation in Italian of the texts themselves. They will also be able to re-elaborate and communicate disciplinary knowledge in a specialized and non-specialized intercultural context.
Pre-requisite: German Literature I ; German Language and Translation I
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course explores aspects of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century German literature through the reading of selected classical texts and their historical and cultural contextualization.

Core Documentation

Ludwig Tieck, Il biondo Eckbert (Marsilio)
Novalis, Enrico di Ofterdingen (Adelphi)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Le affinità elettive (Marsilio)
E.T.A. Hoffmann, Racconti notturni, (Einaudi)
Heinrich von Kleist, La marchesa di O...e altri racconti (Garzanti)
Heinrich Heine, Il viaggio nello Harz (Marsilio)
Georg Büchner, Lenz (Marsilio)
Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Lettera di Lord Chandos (Marsilio)
Thomas Mann, I Buddenbrooks (Einaudi)
Rainer Maria Rilke, I quaderni di Malte Laurids Brigge (Adelphi)
Franz Kafka, Il messaggio dell'imperatore (Adelphi)
Franz Kafka, Nella colonia penale (Marsilio)

testi critici:

V. Zmegac et al., Breve storia della letteratura tedesca, Einaudi.
L. Mittner, Storia della letteratura tedesca, voll. II e III, Torino 1971 ss. (le introduzioni a periodi ed autori trattati).
Ulteriori testi critici saranno indicati durante il corso.
I non frequentanti dovranno mettersi in contatto con la docente.

Type of delivery of the course

Traditional lesson and discussion If the COVID-19 health emergency is extended, the regulations providing for teaching and student evaluation will be activated, specifically distance teaching through Microsoft Teams.

Type of evaluation

Oral test aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities provided by the course. Active participation during the course will be taken into account for the final grade. If the COVID-19 health emergency is extended, the regulations providing for teaching and student evaluation will be activated, specifically distance teaching and examination through Microsoft Teams.