20710252 - Laboratorio analisi del testo e traduzione (portoghese)

General aim: to provide students with tools and methodologies to make judgments and promote an independent approach to the critical interpretation and translation of literary text. The Laboratory for text analysis and translation initiates the student to the drafting of the final paper through the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Course of Study, in particular at: practising reading, critical analysis and translation into Italian of texts in foreign language; helping the students to reach a good written, in both Italian and foreign language; practising the rewriting and adaptation of texts, in both languages, also in a transmedia perspective; employing argumentative strategies in the different fields of intercultural communication.
In the Text analysis and translation workshop (Portuguese and Brazilian), the student applies the skills and abilities acquired in the subjects of specialisation, with particular reference to critical analysis and translation of texts from the original language into Italian. This activity aims at consolidating the ability to work independently in order to write the final paper.
Students will be able to use bibliographic and technological tools to write the final paper; analyse texts and data and draw critical conclusions.

Pre-requisite: Portuguese and Brazilian Literature II; Portuguese and Brazilian Language and Translation II
teacher profile | teaching materials


The workshop aims to strengthen students' skills in the writing of academic texts and in the literary and translanguaging analysis of Portuguese and Brazilian literary texts. A first cycle of lessons will be devoted to the methods of writing an academic paper (bibliographical research, citation of sources, editorial rules, etc.); a second cycle of lessons will focus on the specificities of literary texts from culturally non-hegemonic areas. Finally, a third cycle of lessons will be devoted to literary translation. During the exercises, students will have to put into practice the acquired skills, analysing and translating autonomously passages of Portuguese and Brazilian authors of the 19th century.

Core Documentation

A. Azevedo, “Casa de Pensão” (qualunque edizione)
A. Berman, “La traduzione e la lettera o l'albergo della lontananza”, Macerata, Quodlibet 2003
U. Eco, “Dire quasi la stessa cosa”, Milano, Bompiani, 2003. (Capitoli 4 e 5)
U. Eco, “Come si fa una tesi di laurea. Le materie umanistiche”, Milano, Bompiani, 2001
J. M. Eça de Queirós, “O Primo Basílio”, (qualunque edizione)
J. C. de Castro Rocha, “Culturas Shakespearianas. Teoria mimética e os desafios da mímesis em circustâncias não hegemônicas”, São Paulo, Realizações Editora, 2017, cap. 4 (Poéticas da emulação), pp. 185-258.

Reference Bibliography

Pascale Casanova, “La república mundial de las Letras”, Barcelona, Anagrama, 2001 João Cezar de Castro Rocha, “Machado de Assis: por uma poética da emulação”, Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 2013. S. Santiago, “Eça, autor de Madame Bovary”, nel vol. “Uma literatura nos trópicos”, Rio de Janeiro, Rocco Editora, 2000, pp. 47-65

Type of delivery of the course

frontal lessons and practical exercises. In the event of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all provisions governing the way in which teaching activities are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will apply: distance learning via Microsoft Teams software.


Attendance at lessons is mandatory

Type of evaluation

Students are asked to translate a passage from the novels in the programme and to explain their translation choices in the light of the theoretical bibliography. The paper must meet the criteria of an academic paper. The paper and the bibliography will be the subject of the oral examination. The oral examination will consist of a commentary on the paper and two questions relating to the examination programme, aimed at assessing the level of understanding of the workshop content. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all the provisions governing how students are assessed will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply: remote oral examination using Microsoft Teams software.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The workshop aims to strengthen students' skills in the writing of academic texts and in the literary and translanguaging analysis of Portuguese and Brazilian literary texts. A first cycle of lessons will be devoted to the methods of writing an academic paper (bibliographical research, citation of sources, editorial rules, etc.); a second cycle of lessons will focus on the specificities of literary texts from culturally non-hegemonic areas. Finally, a third cycle of lessons will be devoted to literary translation. During the exercises, students will have to put into practice the acquired skills, analysing and translating autonomously passages of Portuguese and Brazilian authors of the 19th century.

Core Documentation

A. Azevedo, “Casa de Pensão” (qualunque edizione)
A. Berman, “La traduzione e la lettera o l'albergo della lontananza”, Macerata, Quodlibet 2003
U. Eco, “Dire quasi la stessa cosa”, Milano, Bompiani, 2003. (Capitoli 4 e 5)
U. Eco, “Come si fa una tesi di laurea. Le materie umanistiche”, Milano, Bompiani, 2001
J. M. Eça de Queirós, “O Primo Basílio”, (qualunque edizione)
J. C. de Castro Rocha, “Culturas Shakespearianas. Teoria mimética e os desafios da mímesis em circustâncias não hegemônicas”, São Paulo, Realizações Editora, 2017, cap. 4 (Poéticas da emulação), pp. 185-258.

Reference Bibliography

Pascale Casanova, “La república mundial de las Letras”, Barcelona, Anagrama, 2001 João Cezar de Castro Rocha, “Machado de Assis: por uma poética da emulação”, Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 2013. S. Santiago, “Eça, autor de Madame Bovary”, nel vol. “Uma literatura nos trópicos”, Rio de Janeiro, Rocco Editora, 2000, pp. 47-65

Type of delivery of the course

frontal lessons and practical exercises. In the event of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all provisions governing the way in which teaching activities are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will apply: distance learning via Microsoft Teams software.


Attendance at lessons is mandatory

Type of evaluation

Students are asked to translate a passage from the novels in the programme and to explain their translation choices in the light of the theoretical bibliography. The paper must meet the criteria of an academic paper. The paper and the bibliography will be the subject of the oral examination. The oral examination will consist of a commentary on the paper and two questions relating to the examination programme, aimed at assessing the level of understanding of the workshop content. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all the provisions governing how students are assessed will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply: remote oral examination using Microsoft Teams software.