20710212 - Lingua e traduzione lingua tedesca I

One of the main aims of this Course of Study is the acquisition of competences in two foreign languages, which is based on the development of the four active and passive written-oral skills, to analyse the study of intercultural and transcultural phenomena through the tools and methodologies of linguistic and philological analysis, as well as the theory and practice of translation.
German Language and Translation I is among the characterizing activities of the "Language and translation" area. The aim of the module is to provide students with level A2 language skills and strategies (based on the CEFR). It also aims to develop the ability to ponder on both the cultural context and the language structures of modern German, on its spelling system and its history.
Students will be able to implement their linguistic and communicative skills (active, passive and mixed) acquired; analyse and understand different types of text, also from a contrastive perspective; reformulate/rephrase the discourse autonomously and acquire intercultural competence.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20706102 LINGUA E TRADUZIONE TEDESCA 1 in Lingue e mediazione linguistico-culturale L-12 LIPPERT SUSANNE


Introduction into the german language

The course aims to introduce the students to the study of the German language. We will study grammar, the four grammatical cases in the German Language (and why we need them), grammatical gender, declination, the syntactic structure of the sentence, phonetics and different types of word formation processes.

Core Documentation

G. Motta, Grammatik Direkt Neu, Grammatica tedesca con esercizi, seconda edizione (Mit Lösungen), Torino, Loescher Editore 2014
D. Ponti, R. Buzzo Margari, M. Costa, Elementi di linguistica tedesca, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso 1999 (parte prima: introduzione alla linguistica tedesca, pp. 13 – 110) (viene fornito dalla docente)
S. Lippert, Il tedesco come lingua che costruisce parentesi, in: Metodi e strategie dell’apprendimento linguistico. Aspetti contrastivi tedesco-italiano, Roma, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2009 (viene fornito dalla docente)