20710215 - Spanish Literature I

One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aims at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis.
Spanish Literature I is among the characterizing activities of the "Foreign Literatures" area. It provides the student with initial knowledge and understanding of the Spanish literary culture through the reading of exemplary texts analysed paying special attention to intercultural dynamics. It helps students discover the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis.
At the end of the module, students will be able to read and understand literary texts in the original language employing the analytical methods and tools they will have learned in class; furthermore, they will possess the necessary communicative skills to re-elaborate the acquired disciplinary contents.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710215 Letteratura spagnola I in Lingue e letterature per la comunicazione interculturale L-11 Per LMLC e altri CDS TRECCA SIMONE


The course aims to introduce students to contemporary Spanish literature (20th and 21st centuries), through the reading of some emblematic works and historical-cultural and literary study.

A) Historical, literary and cultural skills
- Spain between dictatorships, a republican experiment and attempts at a democratic rebirth;
- Evolutionary lines of Spanish society between the early decades of the twentieth century and the present era;
- Evolutionary lines of Spanish culture between Modernism and postmodernity.

B) Methodological skills
- Methods of approach to historical, social and cultural phenomena;
- Methods of approach to literary phenomena;
- Methods of analysis of the literary text (novel and theater).

Core Documentation

• M. de Unamuno, Nebbia, Milano, BUR (disponibile anche in e-book);
• F. García Lorca, Nozze di sangue, edizione di E. Pittarello, Venezia, Marsilio;
• A. Buero Vallejo, Storia di una scala, Firenze, Le Lettere;
• J. Cercas, Soldati di Salamina, Guanda (disponibile anche in e-book).

Type of delivery of the course

PLEASE NOTE: The course will take place in the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023. The course is divided into 15 frontal lessons of two hours each, to which will be added other scheduled assisted activities (for a load of 6 hours plus the student's self-employment), made known through the institutional channels and during the course itself, according to specific modalities. indicated in the same locations. The acquisition of all the skills must in any case be integrated with an appropriate individual commitment of the student, who is required to complete and deepen the work done in the classroom through the integral reading of the works in the program (TEXTS ADOPTED) and the study of the tools critical-methodological (REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY). Students who, despite attending, will be unable to take part in the 6 hours of assisted activities proposed by the teacher will fill the gap with personalized activities equivalent to the teaching load of the students who have taken part.


Effective participation is strongly recommended for students who intend to take the exam as attending students, in order to acquire the necessary skills. For non-attending students, there is a specific program, which the student must agree with a mandatory cognitive interview at least two months before the session in which he intends to take the exam, in order to be registered by the teacher on the appropriate teaching platform.

Type of evaluation

For attending students, the acquisition of "Historical, literary and cultural skills" will be verified through a written test which will take place before the end of the course and which will give access to the oral test; the acquisition of "Methodological skills" will be assessed during the oral exam through analysis and commentary on the texts in the program. For non-attending students, the acquisition of all skills will be verified during the oral exam, which will take place on the dates of the exam sessions.