Refinement of:
a) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
b) ability to communicate ideas, attitudes and intentions;
c) ability to apply acquired knowledge to texts used in selected professional contexts.
Analysis and translation of short texts from a variety of genres and specialised domains.
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After a short introduction to Translation Studies we will analyze various arguments of special interest, such as the concept of equivalence, the role of universalistic theories as opposed to the role of relativistic theories, the Skopos Theory and the Scenes & Frames. We will then proceed to practical work, translating some texts, mostly from German to Italian, confronting the structure of some selected syntactic elements of the German Language to the structure of those elements in the Italian Language and analyzing the different possibilities of their translation. We will focus particularly on literary translation.

Core Documentation

Cinato Kather, L. (2011) Mediazione linguistica tedesco – italiano. Aspetti teorici e applicativi, esempi di strategie traduttive, casi di testi tradotti, Milano: Hoepli
Eco, U. (2003) Dire quasi la stessa cosa, Milano: Bompiani
Kußmaul, P. (2015) Verstehen und Übersetzen, Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch, 3., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Tübingen: Narr

Further bibliographical references:
Apel, F., Kopetzky, A. (2003) Literarische Übersetzung, Stuttgart: Metzler
Bosco Coletsos, S. (2007) Il tedesco lingua compatta, problemi di traducibilità in italiano, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso
Cavagnoli, F. (2012) La voce del testo, L’arte e il mestiere di tradurre, Milano: Feltrinelli
Stolze, R. (2005) Übersetzungstheorien, Eine Einführung, Tübingen: Narr