teacher profile teaching materials
The course will focus on the different types of housing in Russia, in particular on usad'ba and kommunal'naja kvartira through cultural, literary and filmic texts.
N.V. Gogol’, Starosvetskie pomeščiki
I.S. Turgenev, Dvorjanskoe gnezdo
A.P. Čechov, rasskazy (selected texts), Vyšnevyj sad
M. A. Bulgakov, Master i Margarita, Zojkina kvartira, Traktakt o žilišče
Ju. V. Trifonov, Dom na naberežnoj
V. Sorokin, Roman
V. Makanin, Andegraund ili geroj našego vremeni
Mutuazione: 20710463 Русская и советская культура (парадигмы и быт) / CULTURA RUSSA E SOVIETICA: PARADIGMI E STRATEGIE DEL QUOTIDIANO in Lingue e letterature per la didattica e la traduzione LM-37 PICCOLO LAURA
The house in Russian culture and literature (Kommunal'naia kvartira)The course will focus on the different types of housing in Russia, in particular on usad'ba and kommunal'naja kvartira through cultural, literary and filmic texts.
Core Documentation
ReadingsN.V. Gogol’, Starosvetskie pomeščiki
I.S. Turgenev, Dvorjanskoe gnezdo
A.P. Čechov, rasskazy (selected texts), Vyšnevyj sad
M. A. Bulgakov, Master i Margarita, Zojkina kvartira, Traktakt o žilišče
Ju. V. Trifonov, Dom na naberežnoj
V. Sorokin, Roman
V. Makanin, Andegraund ili geroj našego vremeni
Type of delivery of the course
The course will be taught mainly in Russian.Attendance
Attendance and participation are highly encouraged. Non-attending students should contact us immediately at the beginning of academic year to discuss what they should be doing. The course is taught in Russian.Type of evaluation
Incoming students info June/July exams: oral online exam via Microsoft Team Erasmus students, or any exchange students, can take their exam in Russian, English or French. Arrangements are to be made before the exam.