22910149 - Methodology of didactic research

To develop the following knowledge, skills and competences in the students: to link the development of didactic-educational research with social dynamics; to distinguish the formal characteristics of experimental research from those of non-experimental research and qualitative research from quantitative research; to know and adequately use measurement scales and data collection tools; to collect, process and represent data; to link problems, hypotheses, investigation procedures and data collection (and processing) tools; to build and use checklists, questionnaires, interviews, structured and semi-structured tests, systematic observation grids, as well as to design and develop some empirical tools for data collection in simulated contexts; to formulate the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis in specific research contexts; to know the logical meaning of the most important parametric and non-parametric statistical tests.
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The course aims to give knowledge and skills related to the methodologies and techniques of empirical research in the educational-teaching field in order to find the most appropriate and effective solutions to the problems that educators and trainers encounter in the context in which they operate and for the improvement of the quality of formal educational processes.

Educational goals
•Identify the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approaches and qualitative approaches)
• Make the distinction between experimental and non-experimental research
• Recognize the main phases of educational research
• Gather, process and represent data
•Construct and use checklists, questionnaires, interviews, structured and semi-structured tests, systematic grids of observation
•Identify the characteristics of the most important statistical samples
•Simulate simple paths of investigation
•Analyze the relationship between educational research and teaching practice

Core Documentation

1. LUCISANO, P. & SALERNI, A. (2002). Metodologia della ricerca in educazione e formazione. ROMA: CAROCCI
2. CORBETTA, P. (Seconda Edizione 2015). La ricerca sociale: metodologia e tecniche. I. I paradigmi di riferimento. BOLOGNA: IL MULINO
3. CORBETTA, P. (Seconda Edizione 2015). La ricerca sociale: metodologia e tecniche. III. Le tecniche qualitative. BOLOGNA: IL MULINO

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes 36 hours of lessons and workshops face-to-face.

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of an oral discussion.