22901954 - FRENCH LANGUAGE (L39)

The course objective is to acquire the full capacity of oral and written comprehension of French contemporary language. Progressively, steps will be the acquisition of writing and speaking skills of scientific texts.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 22910129 Lingua francese in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 GEAT MARINA


The 36 hour/6 Cfu course will take place in the second semester. Students of other courses of study (or who must achieve integration) will attend the course for the number of hours / cfu (or study a program proportionally reduced and agreed with the teacher) as provided in the ordering of their course of study.
The commitment to attend the course must be assumed in a rigorous and continuous manner, as it provides a structured study path, in-progress checks, individual and group work with weekly deadlines.
Attending students are those who are present at least 2/3 of the hours of the course and who participate assiduously in all activities, both individual and collective, both carried out in the presence and through the multimedia platform Formonline.
Anyone who, for whatever reason, cannot ensure such continuity of attendance and/or participation, may also attend the course by reporting their particular situation to the Teacher and in any case referring to the program and the examination test provided for non-attendants.
The course includes the study of the fundamental structures of the French language (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, syntax) applying them to the reading, re-elaboration, deepening, written and oral, of a main text of French literature,about the issues of interculturality in the French-speaking world, the Étranger by Albert Camus.
Compared to the students of the 9 CFU course, the students of the 6 cfu course can read and study part of the scheduled text by themselves in Italian.

Core Documentation

Albert Camus, L'Étranger, Livre de poche Folio, Gallimard, also available in pdf at the link http://www.anthropomada.com/bibliotheque/CAMUS-Letranger.pdf and in audiobook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28dKxawmdbQ
For the study and the practice of the grammar: any high school handbook can be used to revise the grammar topics. The websites indicated below can be used for the exercises.
You can use the following websites in order to check and improve your knowledge of the French language:
Français facile [http://www.francaisfacile.com] (exercises, explanations, etc.);
Le Point du FLE [http://www.lepointdufle.net] (exercises, explanations, songs, audio files, vidéos, etc.;
Lexilogos [http://www.lexilogos.com] (French-Italian and Italian- French Dictionaries; etc.);
Le conjugueur [http://www.leconjugueur.com] (for resolving all problems of French Verbs Conjugation)
Littérature audio [http://www.litteratureaudio.com] (for listening online a lot of French texts and novels; for training oral understanding and pronunciation in French).
Exercises, trainings and communication on Departmental digital platform http://formonline.uniroma3.it/

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be carried out in a joint traditional and distance way. In addition to the lessons in the classroom there will be activities and deepening, guided by the teacher, carried out on the online platform Formonline. Procedures for access and passwords, for both students and non-attendants, will be communicated at the beginning of the course and / or requesting them from the teacher by e-mail marina.geat@uniroma3.it


Attendance is optional, but must be carried out regularly and seriously, including with regard to online activities on the Formonline platform. Group and cooperation activities are foreseen, which are valid for the final evaluation. Non-attendants will find useful material on the Formonline platform, which will be accessed in a manner to be requested from the Teacher marina.geat@uniroma3.it The preparation of a French-language paper (4-5-pages) on a subject to be agreed with the Teacher before the exam marina.geat@uniroma3.it will be required.

Type of evaluation

The exam will be written and oral. The student will have to demonstrate a good knowledge of the topics in the program. It will be appreciated the deepening of a topic of your choice through a paper (4-5 pages). Students attending the course will also be evaluated through the activities carried out during the course, with particular reference to group work.