The course analyzes the concepts of social policy and welfare system. Then are studied the ways in which social change and the transformation of needs affect on set of social policies and is presented the framework of the social protection system actors. They also describe the areas of social policy (security, health, care and social services). It 'also introduced the transition from welfare state to the welfare mix and the concept of local welfare.
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The course is divided into two parts.
The first part analyzes the concepts of social policy and welfare system. Then are studied the ways in which social change and the transformation of needs affect on set of social policies and is presented the framework of the social protection system actors. They also describe the areas of social policy (security, health, care and social services). It 'also introduced the transition from welfare state to the welfare mix and the concept of local welfare.
The second part retraces the legislation on social services, with particular attention to the 1970-2010 period. In this context, a specific study is dedicated to the laws and regulations that led to the organization of an integrated system of services and social interventions.

Core Documentation

Ferrera M., Le politiche sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012
Franzoni F., Anconelli M., La rete dei servizi alla persona, Roma, Carocci, 2014
Legge 328/2000
Legge Regione Lazio 11/2016

For more details, refer to the program published on the teacher's bulletin board on the Department's website

Type of evaluation

The written test includes 3 questions for social policy content and 3 questions for the content of social services legislation