22901987 - SOCIAL POLICY (L40)

The course aims at providing the conceptual instruments for: a) study the dynamics of the modern welfare systems in the main aspects of historical-political and social nature; b) understand the organization and functioning of actual social protection systems.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 22901957-1 POLITICA SOCIALE E LEGISLAZIONE DEI SERVIZI SOCIALI (L39) in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 BURGALASSI MARCO


The course analyzes the concepts of social policy and welfare system. Then are studied the ways in which social change and the transformation of needs affect on set of social policies and is presented the framework of the social protection system actors. They also describe the areas of social policy (security, health, care and social services). It 'also introduced the transition from welfare state to the welfare mix and the concept of local welfare.

Core Documentation

- Ferrera M., Le politiche sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012
- Saraceno C. Il welfare¸ Il Mulino, 2013

Type of evaluation

The examination takes place in written and oral form. The written test consists of 3 questions concerning the topics present on the examination texts. If the grade obtained in the written test is higher than 18/30 the student is allowed to take the oral test, which normally takes place in the days following the one in which the written test is carried out. The result of the written test and the convocation of the oral examination are announced on the teacher's bulletin board on the website of the Department.