Education for democratic citizenship, sustainability, equal opportunities brings with it the fight against prejudice, discrimination and with them the fight against gender violence and bullysm. These topics, in addition to completely fall in Social Ethics, constitute some of the central themes of the Law 107/2015, known as the Good school that resumes cd Istanbul Convention with regard to enforcement and prevention of gender violence, in all its forms. The same themes are the goals, but at the same time, also the instruments for achieving the European Agenda commitments for 2020. Also in the United Nations, 22 April 2016 were signed by the Member States and the European Commission the 17 goals for sustainable development for 2030 (UN 17 SDG sustainable development Goals). The 17 objectives, contrary to what the media comunicate us, not only affect priority than the climate and the environment, but require ethical policies and integrated actions both internationally and locally to end poverty, protect the planet, ensuring prosperity, freedom and peace to the entire population, including the female part of it, for a social, institutional sustainable development. Sustainability in this sense is perfectly matched with complete democracy, that is ethics object, and in particular with the liberal education that derives by Ethics. Sustainability in this sense is perfectly matched with complete democracy.
To achieve these goals the UN and the EU, in the belief that prejudice, discrimination, violence, have cultural origins and that only with an adequate educational action they can be fought, they call each institution, production unit or person to be an active part of the cultural process that is not only necessary but urgent (www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/).

In line with national and international exposed objectives, the Laboratory intends, through an interdisciplinary and integrated approach, to solicit reflections on the need to bring about a cultural change based on ethical considerations, through the knowledge of the origins and fundamental ethical principles, starting with the daily activities that every individual performs during his/her day in private as well as social life and in her/his professional life. Too often, in fact, the Ethics is trivialized and reduced to a mere instrument for the drafting of ethical codes of conduct (however vague and often disregarded).
