The objectives of the training are: a) retrace some conceptual nodes of the debate and ethno-anthropological research, successful completion of the concept of race to the formulation of that culture, to the deconstruction of the contradictions of multiculturalism, from the perspective of a new contemporary ethnography of the worlds; b) provide critical elements to address issues and problems of contemporary globalization as a complex Web of local and transnational processes; c) develop the perspective of studies of political anthropology, historical analysis of the contradictions related to the concept of ethnic identity as in reflections that define the scope of multiculturalism, placing them in connection with the reality of migration and in the study of the different forms in which old and new racism, along with other exclusionary practices, articulate processes of social construction of difference.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The main course of 6 credits in presence proposes a survey of themes and central problems of cultural and social anthropology. After having retraced some hubs of research - the concept of culture, the overcoming of the "race", relativism / ethnocentrism, ethnic identity, the analysis of the historical-social processes of contact that from the colonial situation reach the current realities of globalization, some research lines will therefore be studied in depth: the first is related to gender and body, a second one dedicated to migration and citizenship also in relation to services, in which the results of a research in a peripheral Roman territory will be presented, finally the third connected to the analysis of new parental and family realities. This program is integrated with the 3 cfu Ethnography Laboratory partly at a distance, through seminar meetings and with the analysis of a chosen anthropological essay included in the list published below.

Core Documentation

1. F. Pompeo, 2018, Elementi di antropologia critica, Meti, Torino, (Fourth edition revised and extended)
2. M. Fusaschi, 2018, Corpo non si nasce, si diventa. Antropo/logiche di genere nella globalizzatione, Cisu, Roma (Revised and enlarged second edition).

one to choose from the two routes

a) migrations and services. F. Pompeo, (edited by) Pigneto-Banglatown, Meti, Torino 2011 + research materials Municipio V (the materials correspond to a lesson of the autumn course; they will be presented again in a special lesson on 11 April 2019)

b) new kinship / family forms: C. Mattalucci (edited) Antropologia e riproduzione, Edizioni libreria Cortina, Milano 2017

for the Laboratory:

1) Cappelletto F., 2010, edited by, Vivere l'etnografia, Firenze, Seid.

2) a text of your choice on the list found on this site, to be communicated to the docen

Reference Bibliography

Lista testi a scelta x laboratorio etnografia 2018 Generi Corpo: A. Gribaldo, V. Ribeiro Corossaz, La produzione del genere. Ricerche etnografiche sul femminile e sul maschile, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2010; M. Shostak, Nisa. La vita e le parole di una donna !Kung, Meltemi, Roma 2017. F.D'aloisio, Non son tempi per fare figli. Orientamenti e comportamenti riproduttivi nella bassa fecondità italiana, Guerini 2007. Violenza domestica: (+ introduzione Fusaschi 2018) A. Gribaldo, The Paradoxical Victim. Intimate Violence Narratives on Trial in Italy, “American Ethnologist”, Vol. 41 (4), Novembre 2014, pp. 743-756. Etnografia dell'educazione: F. Gobbo, A.M. Gomes (a cura di) .Etnografia nei contesti educativi, CISU Roma 2003. Ghetti e Servizi: P. Bourgois, Cercando rispetto. Drug economy e cultura di strada, DeriveApprodi, Roma 2005; J. Schonberg P. Bourgois, Antropologia della violenza nella metropoli americana, DeriveApprodi, Roma 2011; V. Castellano, Revolving door. I servizi per i minori e la ripoduzione delle disuguaglianze a New York, Edizioni Junior 2018. Lavoro: F. D’Aloisio, Vita di fabbrica. Decollo e crisi della Fiat Sata di Melfi nel racconto di Cristina, Franco Angeli, Milano 2014; S. Vignato (a cura), Soggetti al lavoro. Un'etnografia della vita attiva nel mondo globalizzato , Utet, Torino 2010. (Contesti extraeuropei) Migranti/rifugiati: L. Ciabarri (a cura), I rifugiati e l’Europa. Tra crisi internazionali e corridoi d’accesso, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2015; Rivista Antropologia n.15- Migrazioni e Asilo Politico http://www.ledijournals.com/ojs/index.php/antropologia/issue/view/20; G. Cavatorta, Tornare è un tuo dovere. Etnografie, genere e capitali in Senegal, CISU, Roma 2018; B.Pinelli, Donne come le altre. Soggettività, reti di relazioni e vita quotidiana nelle migrazioni delle donne verso l’Italia (2011, ed.it press, Firenze-Catania) disponibile anche online. Rom: U. Daniele, Sono del campo e vengo dall’India. Etnografia di una comunità Rom ridislocata, Meti , Roma 2011. Esquilino: F.Scarpelli, Il rione incompiuto. Antropologia urbana dell'esquilino, CISU Roma 2009 (Sguardo legato perlopiù ai residenti autoctoni)

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching takes place mainly in the traditional way, in addition to seminar meetings and some online materials.

Type of evaluation

The general mode is the oral examination; the writing is optional and can be requested.