22910037 - Development of psychology

The course provides students with theoretical knowledge on human development in different domains (cognitive, social, emotional) and operational tools to apply that knowledge to the educational context.
The course provides students with theoretical and applied knowledge on research methods used in developmental psychology.

The course of Developmental psychology aims at achieving the following objectives.
Knowledge and understanding of:
- the main theoretical models on development processes;
- the cognitive, social, and emotional development in the life span;
- the psychological processes involved in the educational contexts.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- ability to analyze educational situations according to the theoretical frameworks and involved psychological processes;
- ability to recognize the level of cognitive, social, affective and emotional in the life span;
- ability to analyze educational contexts according to the theoretical frameworks and involved psychological processes.
Making judgements:
- aptitude to find connections between psychological theories and educational situations;
- aptitude for interpreting individual needs in psychological terms;
- aptitude for self-evaluation of behaviors and skills as an education practitioner.
Communication skills:
- master the specific scientific language.
Learning skills:
- attitude to life-long learning on the psychological aspects involved in the educational practice.
The course of Developmental psychology aims at achieving the following objectives.
Knowledge and understanding of:
- the research methods used in developmental psychology.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- ability to analyze studies and research conducted in developmental psychology.
Making judgements:
- aptitude for evaluating educational practices according to the progress of research in developmental psychology.
Communication skills:
- master the specific scientific language.
Learning skills:
- interest in basic and applied research in developmental psychology.

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The course introduces to the theoretical approaches and the main concepts of developmental psychology. The first part aims to provide the student with the presentation of the nature of childhood, the biological and environmental factors in the development, the developmental context. The second part presents the different aspects of child development: social and relational, cognitive, linguistic and communicative, and emotional.

Core Documentation

• Schaffer H. R., Psicologia dello sviluppo. Un’introduzione, Milano: Raffaello Cortina. Del capitolo 3 fare solo il paragrafo Natura ed educazione (p. 48); tutti gli altri capitoli completi.
• Aureli, T., Lo sviluppo nel contesto, capitolo in Aureli T., Bascelli, E., Camodeca M., Di Sano, S. (2008-2016). Il bambino in classe. Roma: Carocci. Solo il capitolo 1, disponibile sulla piattaforma.
• Perucchini, P., I contesti dello sviluppo: la famiglia e la scuola. Capitolo in Barone L., (2019). Manuale di psicologia dello sviluppo. Roma: Carocci. Solo il capitolo 2, disponibile sulla piattaforma.
• Caprara, G.V., Gerbino, M., Luengo Kanacri, B.P., Vecchio, G.M. (2014). Educare alla prosocialità. Teoria e buone prassi. Milano-Torino: Pearson.
• Baumgartner, E. (2002-2019). Il gioco dei bambini. Roma: Carocci (Collana Le Bussole).

Reference Bibliography

See books for the exam

Type of delivery of the course

The course is mainly an e-learning course which has a dedicated platform. In the platform students can find videos, commented slides, slides without comment and podcasts. The course is accompanied by forum activities which aim at involving students in reflecting on the topics studied and accompanying the study.


We recommend using the material provided on the platform and actively participating in the forum activities.

Type of evaluation

The exam includes a written test with closed and open questions.

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Il corso si articola in 5 sezioni, che tracceranno in modo sintetico e con qualche esempio:
I diversi approcci allo studio scientifico
I principi della metodologia scientifica moderna
La misura in psicologia
I principali metodi adottati
Gli approcci alla ricerca

Core Documentation

Schaffer, H. R. (2005). Psicologia dello sviluppo: un'introduzione (Developmental psychology: an introduction). Milano: Raffaello Cortina.

Type of delivery of the course

Una serie di slides con commento audio; Un Forum didattico a iscrizione obbligatoria.

Type of evaluation

Multiple choice test