22910273 - Observatory internship laboratory

The training objectives are: the deepening of motivation for social work, the start of the formation of professional identity, aims and purposes of the professional internship, a first knowledge of the main territorial Social Services.
The course is structured in didactic units integrated by laboratory activities at ISTISSS to encourage the connection between theory and practice through the first experiments of the analysis tool of the work group (need, social demand, intervention, services, welfare system).
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course will be held in the classroom and on-line using the educational platform.
Teaching will therefore be participated.
Students have to prepare a document following the presentation as described in the course of the lessons. More information will be provided by the professor Accorinti during the lessons.
Trainsheep will be doing in partnership with ISTISSS of Rome.

Core Documentation

The Casework Relationship. By Felix P. Biestek, S.J. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1957.

Reference Bibliography

International Federation of Social Workers (2004). Statement of Ethical Principles. Berne: IFSW National Association of Social Workers (2008). Code of Ethics. Washington, DC: NASW

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching will be of the frontal type and on-line but the students will be required to actively participate in the preparation through the educational platform formonline.uniroma3.it.


Attendance is compulsory and it is suggested to follow the didactic activity carried out through the Department platform.

Type of evaluation

The exam takes place in written form and in an oral test. The written part consists in the preparation of an elaborate done in group / couple related to the laboratory activity. In the oral exam, the topics of the texts and what is elaborated in the written paper are studied in depth.