22910319 - Laboratory Early childhood education in Italy:yesterday and today

This workshop is held in collaboration between colleagues in the fields of pedagogy and the history of pedagogy and aims to provide an introductory overview in English of authors of Italian pedagogy and literature for children.
The course is designed to welcome students from other countries but also to give our students the skills to discuss pedagogical issues in English.
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Contents of the Workshop
A - Analysis of Giuseppina Pizzigoni's experimental method and the ongoing design of the "Scuola Rinnovata"
B - Knowledge of the Pizzigoni Fund
C - The open-air school and outdoor education

Core Documentation

Chistolini S., La formazione universitaria in Pedagogia secondo la metodologia dell’interazione umana intesa alla definizione della conoscenza condivisa, in “Rassegna CNOS”, anno 31, n. 3, 2015, pp. 69-81 (online).
Chistolini S., Il Fondo Pizzigoni. Metodo sperimentale e scuola dell’infanzia nei Diari di Sara Bertuzzi, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2020.

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching methods - In the presence and distance teaching and learning - Interactive teaching and learning - Online documents - Internet communication - Scientific research. - Email: schistolini@uniroma3.it - Form online platform In the event of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all provisions governing the way in which teaching activities and student assessment are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modes will apply distance and in-person.

Type of evaluation

Assessment methods The workshop consists of three phases: Learning, Production, Presentation. In the event of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all provisions governing the way in which teaching activities and student assessment are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modes will apply distance and in-person.

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Comparing the voices of pedagogical research that analysed and commented on the impact of change on learning, social, communicative, expressive, emotional styles of new generations with Danilo Dolci’s pedagogical voice and the educational and socio-educational approach.

Core Documentation

Piccione V.A., Re-giving pedagogy the interdisciplinary intensity of its voice, "International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education”, 2019, X, 1, pp. 40-50

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and classes. Use of slides, graphics. Narrative approaches deepening concrete issues. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all the provisions regulating distant learning will be im-plemented.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all the provisions regulating the assessment and evaluation distant activities will be implemented.

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The Museum of History of Education in Roma Tre

Core Documentation

The text will be provided during the lesson.

Type of delivery of the course

The workshop will take place over three hours, which will be devoted to a visit to the Museum of School and Education and the reading and commentary of a text on the history of the Museum.

Type of evaluation

Written exam.

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The workshop, for the part dedicated to Italian children's literature, aims to promote theoretical-practical experiences of analysis and discussion on the texts of some of the main genres and authors of Italian children's literature in order to develop a reflective, critical, participative and collaborative attitude.
With this part of the workshop, students will be able to achieve the following formative objectives
- introductory knowledge in the field of Italian children's literature, with particular attention to authors and genres also in their historical development;
- ability to analyze literary texts intended for children;
- ability to argue starting from a theoretical text on children's literature.

Core Documentation

S. Barsotti, The house and the forest in the fairy tale as educational spaces. The case of the picturebok C’era una volta una bambina, in “History of Education & Children’s Literature”, n. 2, 2019, pp. 971-987.

Type of delivery of the course

The workshop will take place over three hours that will be devoted to the reading and discussion of theoretical texts on children's literature and picture books and fiction for early childhood. A visit to the "Mauro Laeng" Museum of School and Education (MuSEd) is planned.

Type of evaluation

Written exercise on workshop topics.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The workshop, for the part dedicated to Italian children's literature, aims to promote theoretical-practical experiences of analysis and discussion on the texts of some of the main genres and authors of Italian children's literature in order to develop a reflective, critical, participative and collaborative attitude.
With this part of the workshop, students will be able to achieve the following formative objectives
- introductory knowledge in the field of Italian children's literature, with particular attention to authors and genres also in their historical development;
- ability to analyze literary texts intended for children;
- ability to argue starting from a theoretical text on children's literature.

Core Documentation

C. Lepri, Education on diversity. The contribution of Early Childhood’s Literature, in “Studi sulla formazione”, (22)2, 2019, pp. 225-236, disponibile qui:

Type of delivery of the course

The workshop will take place over three hours that will be devoted to the reading and discussion of theoretical texts on children's literature and picture books and fiction for early childhood. A visit to the "Mauro Laeng" Museum of School and Education (MuSEd) is planned.

Type of evaluation

Written exam.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course intends to provide a basic competence on the thinking of some Italian pedagogues and on the issues concerning the topicality of the educational professions in Italy.

Core Documentation

The teaching staff will distribute materials consisting mainly of articles (in English) on the issues addressed during the course.

Reference Bibliography

Montessori M . , Education for a New World (1947)

Type of delivery of the course

Each teacher will present a specific theme and will stimulate the exchange between the participants which will take place in English

Type of evaluation

Final interview and presentations