22910318 - Film Music

The course gives a basic knowledge on the main issues and research metodologies in the field of film music studies.
At the end of the course the student:

- becomes familiar with the basic concepts and research methodologies in the field of film music studies.

- is able to have a critical knowledge and approach to the history and basic theory of film music


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course programme is divided in two parts: the first devoted to the fundamentals of film music theory; the second to a survey of film music history, with an analysis of some exemplary and significant cases.

Core Documentation

The examination textbook is the following: K. Kalinak, Film Music. A Very Short Introduction, New York, Oxford University Press, 2010. Italian translation: Id. Musica da film. Una breve introduzione, Torino, EdT, 2012.

Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course

The course (3 credits, 18 hours) is based on lectures in English recorded on line (with a short summary in Italian) by prof. Raffaele Pozzi, in collaboration, for the history of cinema, with prof. Valentina Domenici. The presentation of the theorethical and historical contents includes an analysis of films and film sequences.



Type of evaluation

The assessment is based on a written test in English/Italian language on the Course programme to be performed in 30 minutes with suitability evaluation.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course programme is divided in two parts: the first devoted to the fundamentals of film music theory; the second to a survey of film music history, with an analysis of some exemplary and significant cases.

Core Documentation

The examination textbook is the following: K. Kalinak, Film Music. A Very Short Introduction, New York, Oxford University Press, 2010. Italian translation: Id. Musica da film. Una breve introduzione, Torino, EdT, 2012.

Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course

The course (3 credits, 18 hours) is based on lectures in English recorded on line (with a short summary in Italian) by prof. Raffaele Pozzi, in collaboration, for the history of cinema, with prof. Valentina Domenici. The presentation of the theorethical and historical contents includes an analysis of films and film sequences.



Type of evaluation

The assessment is based on a written test in English/Italian language on the Course programme to be performed in 30 minutes with suitability evaluation.