22910121 - Education Philosophy

The principle of educational continuity constitutes the background of contemporary educational thought. The new educational philosophical orientations require a reflection on the adaptation of the conceptual and operational tools that serve to address the relationship between experience and education.
By studying the Philosophy of Education the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline;
- understand The principle of educational continuity.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- analyse the relationship between experience and education;
- Identify conceptual and operational tools to address the relationship between experience and education.
In terms of autonomy of judgement:
- understand contemporary educational thinking;
- identify and generalize educational phenomena and processes.
In terms of communication skills:
- Interact in the classroom and outside the classroom;
- Linking pedagogical theories to contemporary educational issues.
In terms of learning capacity:
- understand the educational challenge and propose solutions in the light of the new educational philosophical orientations;
- be able to access the relevant scientific literature.

teacher profile | teaching materials


This year's course will focus on the trinomial dialogue / humanitas / narration, under the banner of a philosophical-educational reflection on living in the human dimension, in today's "age of technology". The concern for the intrinsically humanistic value of education, which animates this Course, constitutes an explicit stance against the possible drifts and risks of a vision of man increasingly marked by the intrusiveness of technology understood as an end, not as a means. ; from the reduction of education to purely utilitarian and systemic-functionalist logics; from a depersonalization of the educational relationship, which becomes more and more the object of a process of "pedagogical sterilization" which would like to empty the training path of young "subjects in training" of substance, weight, content, illusory and ephemeral need for formalization, quantification of learning and teaching. The idea of ​​living to which we intend to refer is that of a human subject who, through the narrative dimension, speech and writing, speech and reading, literature and the arts, is induced to promote emancipatory enrichment. of oneself and of one's ability to create and understand meanings, values, vocabularies, texts, symbols. Central, in our perspective of analysis, is the link and analogy existing between the dimension of language and that of the city, of the polis understood as a place of the human.
However, the human and the inhuman have always coexisted within the city of men, and our living in this city is perennially exposed to expropriation, exile, pain, vulnerability, self-denial and self-denial. someone else's person: the reading of Sophocles' Antigone, foreseen in this Course, will touch on this theme connected to the dialectic between recognition and dehumanization. Giosi's other text, namely "Le radici pedagogiche della cura: Empatia, Vulnerabilità, Dolore", refers to the crucial nature of care as a constitutive attitude of the anthropology of the human person, assuming a crucial ethical-political relevance especially in reference to the subject of the vulnerability of the subject / person, of his dependence on the care of others, of the necessary and due social and legal recognition of his particular condition. Within a public, political space, within a perspective of social justice, of recognition of the rights of people with different degrees of psycho-physical integrity, the issue of care is essentially linked to the problems relating to the issue of addiction. , vulnerability, autonomy, recognition.

The pedagogical-educational principle underlying this course is that of dialogue:
Dialogue as the foundation of the educational relationship itself; such dialogue belongs to the intimate nature of thinking, knowing, learning and teaching.
Marco Giosi's text, “Alfabeti della polis. Education as a narrative space ", intends to offer keys to reading and interpreting issues that affect the current educational condition: citizenship education; the processes of literacy of the person, including orality, writing, reading; the study of the classics; the analysis of the aesthetic experience on the "symbolic" front; the analysis of the impact of media and new electronic-digital technologies on the cognitive, perceptive, emotional and imaginative processes of the child / adolescent person. Philosophical-educational reflection on the knowledge of education and on the epistemological status of the discipline itself.
The study of the text by Jean Paul Sartre, "Existentialism is a humanism", constitutes a call to a personal, ethical "commitment" which conceives man as the "builder" of a humanism through choices and practices of mutual interhuman recognition , without "guarantees" of divine or transcendent order
Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational contexts for childhood ", with reference to what is indicated in Decree 378/2018, Annex B.

Core Documentation

M. Giosi, Alfabeti della polis. L'educazione come spazio narrativo, Anicia, Roma, 2022
M. Giosi, Le radici pedagogiche della cura: Empatia, Vulnerabilità, Dolore, Anicia, Roma, 2022.
J.P. Sartre, L'esistenzialismo è un umanismo, Milano, Mursia, 2012

Laboratorio da 3 CFU:

Un testo a scelta tra:
Thomas Mann, La montagna incantata (qualsivoglia edizione)
Sofocle, Antigone (qualsivoglia edizione).
Hermann Hesse, Narciso e Boccadoro, Milano, Mondadori, 1980
William Shakespeare, Amleto, (qualsivoglia edizione.)

Type of delivery of the course

Carried out in presence

Type of evaluation

Oral text