Adult Education teaching aims to develop the acquisition of knowledge related to the new paradigms of Adult Education in the perspective of lifelong learning. It therefore has as objectives:
1. To provide students with historical, theoretical, and methodological knowledge related to Adult Education.
2. To develop skills and competences in the field of professions related to adult education, with particular attention to the acquisition of qualitative methods aimed at developing human resources.
3. To promote the ability to study the literature related to Adult Education.
With the Adult Education study the student will be able to achieve the following educational goals:
- Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge and understanding of the theoretical, historical, epistemological and methodological dimensions of Adult Education in the perspective of lifelong learning.
- Applying knowledge and understanding :
Problem solving skills related to learning processes, activities and training paths for adults.
Ability to investigate and organize complex problems and information in different contexts and according to appropriate methods for facilitating learning, designing and implementing training processes aimed at developing human resources.
- Making judgements :
Ability to analyze and elaborate the theories, processes and data related to Adult Education.
Ability to evaluate the quality of processes and training projects in different contexts.
- Communication skills:
Ability to critically and systematically express arguments related to the theories and processes of Adult Education.
Communication and relational skills useful for facilitating training processes and developing adult skills.
- Learning skills:
Ability to exercise critical and metariflexive functions in relation to the knowledge related to Adult Education and to one's own learning ability.
Self-management skills in learning and using context resources for this purpose.
1. To provide students with historical, theoretical, and methodological knowledge related to Adult Education.
2. To develop skills and competences in the field of professions related to adult education, with particular attention to the acquisition of qualitative methods aimed at developing human resources.
3. To promote the ability to study the literature related to Adult Education.
With the Adult Education study the student will be able to achieve the following educational goals:
- Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge and understanding of the theoretical, historical, epistemological and methodological dimensions of Adult Education in the perspective of lifelong learning.
- Applying knowledge and understanding :
Problem solving skills related to learning processes, activities and training paths for adults.
Ability to investigate and organize complex problems and information in different contexts and according to appropriate methods for facilitating learning, designing and implementing training processes aimed at developing human resources.
- Making judgements :
Ability to analyze and elaborate the theories, processes and data related to Adult Education.
Ability to evaluate the quality of processes and training projects in different contexts.
- Communication skills:
Ability to critically and systematically express arguments related to the theories and processes of Adult Education.
Communication and relational skills useful for facilitating training processes and developing adult skills.
- Learning skills:
Ability to exercise critical and metariflexive functions in relation to the knowledge related to Adult Education and to one's own learning ability.
Self-management skills in learning and using context resources for this purpose.
teacher profile teaching materials
- Theories of training and learning in adulthood.
- Inclusion, sustainability and equity in adult education.
- Quantitative and qualitative methods and tools: biographical-narrative approach.
- Key competences for lifelong learning.
- Formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts.
- Recognition, validation and certification of skills.
- Training planning.
Bertoni, P., Di Rienzo, P., Palazzini, L. (2021) (a cura di). Analisi e innovazione dei processi formativi del terzo settore: competenze strategiche degli operatori volontari in servizio civile. Lupetti: Bologna.
Knowles, M. (1996). La formazione degli adulti come autobiografia. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.
- Adult education and lifelong learning perspective.- Theories of training and learning in adulthood.
- Inclusion, sustainability and equity in adult education.
- Quantitative and qualitative methods and tools: biographical-narrative approach.
- Key competences for lifelong learning.
- Formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts.
- Recognition, validation and certification of skills.
- Training planning.
Core Documentation
Di Rienzo, P. (2012). Educazione informale in età adulta. Roma: Anicia.Bertoni, P., Di Rienzo, P., Palazzini, L. (2021) (a cura di). Analisi e innovazione dei processi formativi del terzo settore: competenze strategiche degli operatori volontari in servizio civile. Lupetti: Bologna.
Knowles, M. (1996). La formazione degli adulti come autobiografia. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.
Reference Bibliography
Bertaux D. (1980). L’approche biografique: sa validité methofologique, ses potentialités. Cahiers Intenationaux de Sociologie, 49, 200-201. Cedefop, European Commission, ICF. (2019). European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2018 update: Synthesis report. Di Rienzo, P. (2021). I CPIA alla prova dell’innovazione. Il riconoscimento dei crediti formativi e la certificazione delle competenze nell’istruzione degli adulti. Roma: Anicia. Di Rienzo, P. (2020). Insegnare in carcere. Le competenze strategiche dei docenti per l’istruzione degli adulti negli istituti penitenziari. Roma: Anicia. Di Rienzo P. (2020). Making Informal Adult Learning Visible. The Recognition of the Third Sector Professionals’ Key Competences. Education Sciences, 10, n. 9, pp. 1-15. Dominicé P. (1990). L’histoire de vie comme processus de formation. Paris: L’Harmattan. Meghnagi, M. and M. Tuccio (2022). The recognition of prior learning: Validating general competences. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 270. Paris: OECD UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. (2018). Recognition, validation and accreditation of youth and adult education as a foundation of lifelong learning. Hamburg: UIL. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (2019). 4th global report on adult learning and education: leave no one behind: participation, equity and inclusion. Hamburg: UIL.Type of delivery of the course
Didactic activity in presence and e-learning: theoretical lessons, practical activities, group work, project work.Attendance
Attendance is not compulsoryType of evaluation
Assessment methods 1. The methods of assessment of learning refer to two types of tests: which take place at the same time in the order indicated: written test: semi-structured questions: four questions with partially open-ended answers; interview. 2. Both tests are used for the ongoing formative/intermediate assessment and for the final summative assessment. 3. The duration of the written test is 30 minutes. The duration of the interview, which varies in nature, is about 15 minutes. 4. Possible on-line exam includes only the interview. 5. For the assignment of the final grade, the following criteria will be adopted: The final evaluation will take into account the student's ability to identify the salient aspects of theoretical, historical, epistemological and methodological elements of adult education and learning in the perspective of lifelong learning. During the oral exam, the teacher will evaluate whether the student is able to go beyond what has been taught, dealing with new situations in a creative and original way. The final assessment will be the way in which the student is able to reflect on problematic issues in adult education and to make well-founded judgments and evaluations.