The course integrates specific scientific and clinical knowledge to refer to the various pathologies and psychopathologies with strategic, methodological, didactic and technical skills, with the aim of defining in detail the socio-educational approach, the meaning, the role, the tools available to the various professional figures in socio-educational services.
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Methodological, ethical, technical problems concerned with socio-educational training; valorisation of human resources as a professional model; the educational communication as an active strategy in different cultural, social, professional contexts and processes. Transferrable professional models in socio-educational services. Organizational and projectual strategies based on the network model. Performance flexibility and expertise in programming and interacting within systems. Models of educational observation and of clinical diagnosis concerned with child's and adolescent's psychopathology, handicap, disease, problematic learning, behaviours, attitudes. Use of innovative technological tools aiming at strengthening social integration. Definition of the projectual characteristics of educational plans, strategies, methodologies and of their consistency with the requirements of organizations and institutions providing training, education, schooling, health and social services. Programming, scheduling and planning as lifelong learning. 12 scheduled seminars are concerned with specific issues; these seminars have a different and specific work programme.

Core Documentation

Cianchini G., Oltre le sbarre. Limiti e potenzialità della rieducazione penitenziaria
Di Diodato S., Il savantismo e il difficile rapporto tra eccellenza e noia
Giganti P., Wyss S., Nessuno fuori. Percorsi di inclusione, servizi e territorio
Virga R.M., Terezin, i bambini di Terezin, i loro disegni
Zullo S., Sordi e udenti, differenze che contano

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and classes. Use of slides, graphics. Narrative approaches deepening concrete issues.

Type of evaluation

Oral exams. Individual answers to tests. Elaboration of an essay on seminars’ technical impact on the professional style of social educators and teachers.