22902450 - BIOETICA

The course of Bioethics aims to encourage reflection on the moral dimension of the progress of biomedical sciences and in general of the sciences applied to life.
With the study of Bioethics the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
1. In terms of knowledge and understanding:
Critical knowledge of the main concepts of bioethics, both in historical development and in the theoretical dimension and in the connections with other disciplines and fields of research (psychology, human sciences, educational sciences). For this reason, the course aims to: 1. To retrace the main moments and figures for the development of bioethical reflection; 2. To analyze the main bioethical issues related to birth, death, health, environmental protection.
2. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- ability to use bibliographic tools and reference works for the understanding of bioethics texts.
- ability to apply methodologies of reading texts.
3. In terms of autonomy of judgment:
ability to formulate a reasoned judgment on questions of bioethics; to establish relations between bioethics and the sciences of education; to identify ethical principles that characterize autonomy and responsibility in professional and social life.
4. In terms of communication skills:
practice philosophical discussion as an exercise in respectful dialogue and critical argument.


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Why bioethics
1. 1 Biomedical techniques, ethics and responsibility
1. 2 The anthropological question as the foundation of bioethics

2. Bioethics of the body and health
2.1 Personal character of the corporeity
2.2 Culture of appearance and body models
2. 3 The objectification of the body as a risk of the technique applied to medicine

3. To be born and die in the age of technology
3.1 The new faces of dying: euthanasia and biological testament
3.2 New forms of motherhood: implications and problems

Core Documentation

A. PESSINA, Bioetica. L’uomo sperimentale, Mondadori, Milano 2000 (tranne capitolo 2)
• M. T. RUSSO, Etica del corpo tra medicina ed estetica, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2008
• M. T. RUSSO, Corpo, salute, cura. Linee di antropologia biomedica, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2004
• Glossary with the main definitions to know and some articles online

Type of delivery of the course

-Frontal lessons - Individual and group exercises - Case analysis -Watching movies

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of two written tests: one in the middle of the course and one at the end, consisting of 10 questions (open questions, closed questions and definitions). The final grade will be awarded out of thirty, according to the marks obtained in the tests. The evaluation of the student’s group works will be considered seriously and will be added a 10% to the final score.

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Why bioethics
1. 1 Biomedical techniques, ethics and responsibility
1. 2 The anthropological question as the foundation of bioethics

2. Bioethics of the body and health
2.1 Personal character of the corporeity
2.2 Culture of appearance and body models
2. 3 The objectification of the body as a risk of the technique applied to medicine

3. To be born and die in the age of technology
3.1 The new faces of dying: euthanasia and biological testament
3.2 New forms of motherhood: implications and problems

Core Documentation

A. PESSINA, Bioetica. L’uomo sperimentale, Mondadori, Milano 2000 (tranne capitolo 2)
• M. T. RUSSO, Etica del corpo tra medicina ed estetica, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2008
• M. T. RUSSO, Corpo, salute, cura. Linee di antropologia biomedica, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2004
• Glossary with the main definitions to know and some articles online

Type of delivery of the course

-Frontal lessons - Individual and group exercises - Case analysis -Watching movies

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of two written tests: one in the middle of the course and one at the end, consisting of 10 questions (open questions, closed questions and definitions). The final grade will be awarded out of thirty, according to the marks obtained in the tests. The evaluation of the student’s group works will be considered seriously and will be added a 10% to the final score.