The course aims to:
a) address the cultural complexity as the paradigm and model of knowledge;
b) read the reality of globalization and new forms of global citizenship.
c) Rebuild the critical path of this on conceptual issues of anthropological reflection as identity, culture and ethnicity, relating them with the new dynamics of transnationalism, and the creolization of cultures traffic.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course proposes a survey of issues and problems related to the complexity of contemporary globalization from the point of view of critical anthropology. In addition to the fundamental notions of anthropological debate, such as Culture, the relationship between identity and otherness, the overcoming of the concept of "race", ethnic identity, Relativism and cultural contact, the analysis of the consequences of colonialism and decolonization, in particular the complex reality of transnational migration will be examined in depth through the experience of returns and the recent researches of the anthropology of reproduction (procreation, parenting, familiarity).

Core Documentation

1. F. Pompeo, Elementi di Antropologia Critica, Meti, Torino (Fourth edition revised and extended) 2018;

2. G. Cavatorta, Tornare è tuo dovere. Genere, etnografie e capitali in Senegal, CISU, Roma 2018;

3. C. Mattalucci, (a cura) Antropologia e riproduzione, Edizioni libreria Cortina, Milano 2017.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination; written is optional and can be requested