The laboratory aims to provide second-year students with additional knowledge and indications of study paths in order to be able to successfully face, after graduation, the qualifying exam for the profession of Albo A.
In the laboratory meetings, simulations of the written and oral tests will also be held in order to acquire skills in managing the time required for their preparation.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Introduction to the qualification exam for the profession of social worker Register A
Type of tests according to the mode of conduct (only oral or written and oral according to the indications of the MIUR)
Matters subject to the State Exam
Professional skills of the Social Worker Specialist
Examining Commission
Indicators on which the commissioners' assessment is based
The students will experiment in the formulation of answers and in the drafting of short papers on the basis of traces relating to the subjects under examination. The works will be presented during the lesson and discussed in the classroom.
Simulation of the oral exam of the state exam

Core Documentation

GIACCONI B., BONIFAZI (2019) L. L'Assistente Sociale e l'Assistente Sociale specialista, Maggioli, Milano o altro manuale per la preparazione all'esame di Stato per assistente sociale (sezA).
e un testo a scelta tra:

BEZZI C. (2006) Cos’è la valutazione, Franco Angeli, Milano
CAU M., MAINO G.(2017) Progettare in partnership, Maggioli, Milano
CAMPANINI A (a cura di) (2006) La valutazione nel servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma
SIZA R. (2018) Manuale di progettazione sociale, F. Angeli Milano

Reference Bibliography

ALBANO R., DELLAVALLE M. (2015), a cura di, Metodologia dello ricerca e servizio sociale, Giappichelli, Torino. ALLEGRI E. (2015), Servizio sociale di comunità, Carocci, Roma. BEZZI C. (2006) Cos’è la valutazione, Franco Angeli, Milano BURGALASSI M, (2012) Politica sociale e Welfare locale, Caocci Roma CAMPANINI A (a cura di) (2006) La valutazione nel servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma CAMPANINI A. (2013), a cura di, Nuovo Dizionario di Servizio Sociale , Carocci, Roma. CAU M., MAINO G.(2017) Progettare in partnership, Maggioli, Milano DE AMBOROGIO U. DESSI C. GHETTI V.(2013) Progettare e valutare nel sociale - Metodi ed esperienze Carocci Faber Servizio sociale, Roma Dl PRINZIO A. (2014), a cura di, Management del servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma. FORTI D., MASELLA F. (2004) Lavorare per progetti, Raffaello Cortina MERLO G. (2014) La programmazione sociale: principi, metodi e strumenti Carocci Faber Roma SICORA A., PIGNATTI A. (2015), Progettare sociale, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna. SIZA R. (2018) Manuale di progettazione sociale, F. Angeli Milano

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching is provided in face-to-face mode, but the remote lesson mode is guaranteed through the platforms Microsoft Teams and formonline.uniroma3.it

Type of evaluation

The exam takes place in written and oral form. The written test consists in the preparation of a paper relating to one of the subjects of the State examination (draft the organisation of a social service, a project, a teaching or supervision programme, a strategy to manage an organisational problem and its evaluating analysis). The written paper (whose editorial standards will be indicated later), must be submitted by email 10 days before the exam in which you intend to take the final exam (and, moreover, is a prerequisite for taking the exam)