22910264-3 - Didattica della scrittura. Dallo scarabocchio all'apprendimento del gesto grafico

Knowledge and understanding: the principles and methodologies of empirical research in education; the main features of the theoretical model proposed by Montessori; embodiment theories;

· Knowledge and understanding skills applied: to the design of teaching innovation; to the definition of empirical research drawings;

· Making judgements: choose critically and consciously methods and instruments of intervention in the field of empirical research and didactic design.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory on "Teaching to write. From doodling to handwriting" is included in the course "Sperimentalismo, innovazione didattica e pedagogia montessoriana". It is worth 3 ECTS. Starting from doodling in pre-schoolers and handwriting in beginners, the laboratory will focus on the development of fine motor skills and neurophysiology of the graphic gesture. Both aspects are fundamental in correctly teaching and learning handwriting.

Core Documentation

- Montessori, M. "La scoperta del bambino", Garzanti, Milano, 1999. Solo il capitolo XV, "Il meccanismo della scrittura", pp. 225-253.
Additional study texts will be provided by the professor.

Type of delivery of the course

Should the Covid-19 emergency be prolonged, the course organisation will be restructured according to the situation and, if necessary, all the activities will be conducted through online platforms.

Type of evaluation

The assessment criteria will be the same as those of the course "Sperimentalismo, innovazione didattica e pedagogia montessoriana", in which the Laboratory is included. Should the Covid-19 emergency be prolonged, there will be only an oral exam through the online platform Teams.