2290602 - Chemistry and chemistry teaching

Analyzing the conceptual basis of modern Chemistry comparing the ancient vision of matter as a compound of four elements with the discovery of the Periodic table of elements, the concepts of molecule, valency, and chemical reaction.
Presenting the first ideas about chemistry from a superior point of view: states of matter and their transitions, solutions, the geometric structure of crystals, some elements like metals, oxygen, hydrogen, and chemical composition of substances.
Deepening the fundamental aspects of the methodology for teaching Chemistry to children: observing objects and substances, the microscope, laboratory experiments, questioning further than candid ideas, the dialogue with the teacher and among peers, and the ability of accounting for scientific information.

In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- know the elementary chemistry to which children can be approached in pre-primary and primary school, using disciplinary, epistemological and historical elements;
- know the crucial topics of chemistry education in pre-primary and primary school.
In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- promote the ability to carry out educational activities appropriate to the age of children aimed at introducing the topics of chemistry in an engaging and solid way, taking advantage of teaching materials, the resources of the school and the territory;
- promote an overall history of the initiation of children to thought in the cycle of pre-primary and primary school.
In terms of making judgments:
- develop the ability to deal with educational situations in schools and to make educational decisions;
- encourage the opening to renewal of teaching practices through the combination of historical, epistemological and didactic research.
In terms of communication skills:
- develop the ability to bring chemistry and scientific thought closer to children with appropriate tools, instruments, examples, sounds, objects starting from experience and through problems, developing the skills for dialogue in the scientific-philosophical field and the ability to represent geometric and symbolic.
In terms of learning skills:
- promoting skills and interest in the history and epistemology of chemistry, through books and articles, courses and conferences, with discernment and depth.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to provide the basic elements of general chemistry, history, and epistemology of chemistry, to achieve the necessary methodological skills for the subject teaching.
Topics: states of aggregation and particle model of matter, Periodic Table of the elements, chemical bonds, solutions, acids and bases, electrochemistry.
Particular emphasis will be given to the interpretation of chemical and chemical-physical phenomena by particle model of matter, and to the historical paths that led to the distinction between atoms and molecules.
The basic concepts and their historical-epistemological foundations will be treated jointly with issues relating to chemical education in kindergarten and primary school, the implications of which affect more general pedagogical issues related to the school and preschool age.

Core Documentation

Handouts written by the teacher and related presentations used during the lessons.
Any general chemistry high school textbook covering the topics on the program.
Magrone P. Millan Gasca A. "Children and scientific thought. The work of Mary Everest Boole". Carocci, 2018.
Hoffmann, R. "Mirror chemistry". Longanesi, 2006.
Open-access articles indicated by the teacher.

Type of delivery of the course


Type of evaluation

Written test.