The teaching of Sociology of work and organizations intends to develop the skills to develop and apply the fundamental concepts of the reference theoretical framework of the sociological disciplines of work and organization and to analyze the interconnections with the other disciplines, which have as their object of study of labour, production organizations, human resources management and industrial relations.
teacher profile teaching materials
The institutional module aims to provide the basic concepts and the theoretical framework of the sociological work and organizational disciplines and to analyze the interconnections with other disciplines which have as their object the study of work, production organizations, human resource management and industrial relations.
There will be an in-depth analysis of the change of work in the world, in relation to the development of innovative organizational and managerial cultures, with particular attention to the aspects related to the constant demand for an increase in flexibility and productivity and the strategic importance assumed of soft and transversal skills in the new production processes.
The in-depth module, instead, aims to analyze the concepts and evolution of the negotiation and industrial relations in Italy and on an international level:
1. The transformations of work from a sociological point of view and the conceptual framework relative to the evolution of organizational models and cultures: from Taylor-Fordism to Total Quality Management and networking organizations;
2. The evolution of human resource management policies and tools in search of a new paradigm of reference: the person at the center of the processes;
3. Leadership and management of social-organizational processes in innovative enterprises and virtuous Public Administrations: The Strategic Role of Communication and Lifelong Learning;
4. The development of industrial relations in Italy: the sociological dimension of the economic, legal and institutional framework; the actors of industrial relations; the evolution of collective bargaining; industrial relations and participatory model; labour relations in Public Administrations.
In the final part of the course, seminars will be organized with the protagonists (corporate executives and managers of organization and development of human resources, representatives of trade unions) on issues of organization, training and development of skills, negotiation and regulation of employment relationships in innovative companies and virtuous public administrations.
COCOZZA A., L’Agire inatteso. Etica, razionalità, competenze, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2020.
The course is developed in three parts: an institutional module, an in-depth module; seminars and meetings with the protagonists.The institutional module aims to provide the basic concepts and the theoretical framework of the sociological work and organizational disciplines and to analyze the interconnections with other disciplines which have as their object the study of work, production organizations, human resource management and industrial relations.
There will be an in-depth analysis of the change of work in the world, in relation to the development of innovative organizational and managerial cultures, with particular attention to the aspects related to the constant demand for an increase in flexibility and productivity and the strategic importance assumed of soft and transversal skills in the new production processes.
The in-depth module, instead, aims to analyze the concepts and evolution of the negotiation and industrial relations in Italy and on an international level:
1. The transformations of work from a sociological point of view and the conceptual framework relative to the evolution of organizational models and cultures: from Taylor-Fordism to Total Quality Management and networking organizations;
2. The evolution of human resource management policies and tools in search of a new paradigm of reference: the person at the center of the processes;
3. Leadership and management of social-organizational processes in innovative enterprises and virtuous Public Administrations: The Strategic Role of Communication and Lifelong Learning;
4. The development of industrial relations in Italy: the sociological dimension of the economic, legal and institutional framework; the actors of industrial relations; the evolution of collective bargaining; industrial relations and participatory model; labour relations in Public Administrations.
In the final part of the course, seminars will be organized with the protagonists (corporate executives and managers of organization and development of human resources, representatives of trade unions) on issues of organization, training and development of skills, negotiation and regulation of employment relationships in innovative companies and virtuous public administrations.
Core Documentation
COCOZZA A., Comunicazione d’impresa e gestione delle risorse umane, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012.COCOZZA A., L’Agire inatteso. Etica, razionalità, competenze, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2020.
Type of delivery of the course
The course is in attendance. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply. The course will be divided into online lessons, carried out synchronously on the TEAMS platform, according to the indicated calendar. Alongside the lectures, the following are proposed: exercises, group work, case analyzes, to be carried out on the FORMONLINE platform.Attendance
The course is in person. Lessons are held during the first semester, on monday, from 10.00 to 13.00.Type of evaluation
The learning evaluation takes place through a final oral exam, during which these issues are examined in depth: - the fundamental concepts of the theoretical reference framework proposed during the course, illustrated also in the adopted texts; - the acquired skills to analyze and compare policies related to the topics of organization, training and skills development, negotiation and regulation of employment relationships in the PAs.