International economic relations have undergone a significant evolution over time and the way in which economists have tried to interpret, theorize and "govern" both the institutions and the international markets of production factors and goods has also changed. The course presents, in its historical evolution (with particular attention to the twentieth century to the present day), the interweaving events that have changed the international economic relations and theories that have from time to time tried to analyze and reform them, highlighting the main phases and theoretical paradigms.


teacher profile | teaching materials


International economic relations have undergone a significant evolution over time and the way in which economists have tried to interpret, theorize and "govern" both the institutions and the international markets of production factors and goods has also changed. The course presents, in its historical evolution (with particular attention to the twentieth century to the present day), the interweaving events that have changed the international economic relations and theories that have from time to time tried to analyze and reform them, highlighting the main phases and theoretical paradigms.
International economics theories will be analyzed in a historical sequence, from the 18th century to the present day.

Core Documentation

For all those who take the exam in English, there is a collection of papers and book chapters which can be borrowed from the Library of the Faculty

Type of delivery of the course

For English-speaking students, there will be only an oral exams. Students are required to contact the Professor before subscribing to the exam.

Type of evaluation

Skills and critic capacity will be assessed

Fruizione: 21801926 STORIA E TEORIE DELLE RELAZIONI ECONOMICHE INTERNAZIONALI in Amministrazioni e Politiche Pubbliche LM-63 (docente da definire)