The course aims to deepen the study of the Spanish language and culture. The aim is to develop communicative and socio-cultural competence through, fundamentally, the study of the Hispanic political world. The course is divided into two modules: Module I (Specialty Languages) concerns an in-depth study of sectoral languages ​​(political, economic, legal, administrative and journalistic) from a communicative and cultural perspective; Module II (Political language) is focused on the study of political language and the critical analysis of political discourse. In this sense, the aim is to acquire the tools to decode political discourses, at a linguistic, rhetorical and cultural level to understand the meaning of political oratory, also deconstructing its ideological
meaning, and of power through the use of the word. Finally, it is intended to develop a critical capacity for autonomous re-elaboration of the languages ​​of politics.


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810394 CULTURE DEI PAESI DI LINGUA SPAGNOLA in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti LM-52 A - Z MESSINA FAJARDO LUISA ALLESITA


Modulo I: Linguaggi di specialità
1. Las lenguas de especialidad
Denominaciones, definiciones y características generales
La dimensión horizontal: el léxico y la terminología
La dimensión vertical: textos, funciones y niveles de especialización

2.El lenguaje jurídico-administrativo:
Origen y características generales
El léxico jurídico
Rasgos morfosintácticos
El estilo formulario
Nivel textual
Géneros textuales

4.El lenguaje de los medios de comunicación
Definición, características, funciones tendencias, géneros

5.El leguaje deportivo
Definición, características, tendencias, géneros

6.El leguaje turístico
Definición, origen, características, función, géneros

7.El leguaje publicitario
Definición, origen, características, función, géneros

Testo di riferimento (Obbligatorio):
Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Las lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci editore, Roma, 2009.

Modulo II: Il linguaggio politico.
1.El Lenguaje político
1.1. Origen y características
1.2. El léxico político
1.3. La fraseología política
1.4. Emisor y destinatario
1.5. El contexto histórico
1.6. La retórica
1.7. Estrategias discursivas
1.8. La persuasión política
1.9. La descalificación y el insulto
1.10 Tipologías de discursos: totalitarios, de crisis, de investidura

Testo di riferimento (Obbligatorio):
MESSINA FAJARDO L. A. (2020). El discurso político como arte de persuasión y acción social. Berlín: Peter Lang.
Nota*: Per l’AA 2020-2021 gli argomenti dei discorsi politici da analizzare nelle tesine dovranno essere concordati con la docente.

Core Documentation

Modulo I
Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Las lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci editore, Roma, 2009.

Modulo II
MESSINA FAJARDO L. A. (2021). Herramientas teóricas y prácticas para el estudio del discurso político. Mondalvia: Generis Publishing.

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching for the Culture Course of Spanish-speaking Countries (8 CFU) is divided into two modules: 1) Sectoral or specialty languages ​​2) Analysis of political discourse The Sectoral Languages ​​Module: the topics will be dealt with frontally and in SEMINAR / CONFERENCE FORM. Students are therefore required to attend both the lectures and the seminars that will take place during the academic year and which will be recommended by the teacher. An essay will be held to be agreed with the teacher. Module I II: Political language: the topics will be treated head-on and a paper will be held to be agreed with the teacher on the topics listed below.


to make the exemption

Type of evaluation

The exam includes an oral interview. The oral exam concerns module I (Sectoral languages) and module II (Political language) and will take into account the essays that are preparatory to the oral exam and that must be delivered at least two weeks before the oral exam for non-attending students. . Information on the papers to be prepared (follow the form, provided by the teacher, for the analysis of the speech) module I prepare an essay in Spanish by analyzing texts from which to extrapolate the following languages: - legal-administrative (2 a text in Spanish and one in Italian) - journalistic (2 a text in Spanish and one in Italian) - advertising (2 a text in Spanish and one in Italian) module II prepare an essay in Spanish by analyzing 2 political speeches (at least one in Italian)

teacher profile | teaching materials


Modulo I: Linguaggi di specialità
1. Las lenguas de especialidad
Denominaciones, definiciones y características generales
La dimensión horizontal: el léxico y la terminología
La dimensión vertical: textos, funciones y niveles de especialización

2.El lenguaje jurídico-administrativo:
Origen y características generales
El léxico jurídico
Rasgos morfosintácticos
El estilo formulario
Nivel textual
Géneros textuales

4.El lenguaje de los medios de comunicación
Definición, características, funciones tendencias, géneros

5.El leguaje deportivo
Definición, características, tendencias, géneros

6.El leguaje turístico
Definición, origen, características, función, géneros

7.El leguaje publicitario
Definición, origen, características, función, géneros

Testo di riferimento (Obbligatorio):
Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Las lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci editore, Roma, 2009.

Modulo II: Il linguaggio politico.
1.El Lenguaje político
1.1. Origen y características
1.2. El léxico político
1.3. La fraseología política
1.4. Emisor y destinatario
1.5. El contexto histórico
1.6. La retórica
1.7. Estrategias discursivas
1.8. La persuasión política
1.9. La descalificación y el insulto
1.10 Tipologías de discursos: totalitarios, de crisis, de investidura

Testo di riferimento (Obbligatorio):
MESSINA FAJARDO L. A. (2020). El discurso político como arte de persuasión y acción social. Berlín: Peter Lang.
Nota*: Per l’AA 2020-2021 gli argomenti dei discorsi politici da analizzare nelle tesine dovranno essere concordati con la docente.

Core Documentation

Modulo I
Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Las lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci editore, Roma, 2009.

Modulo II
MESSINA FAJARDO L. A. (2021). Herramientas teóricas y prácticas para el estudio del discurso político. Mondalvia: Generis Publishing.

Reference Bibliography

Modulo I Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Las lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci editore, Roma, 2009. Modulo II MESSINA FAJARDO L. A. (2021). Herramientas teóricas y prácticas para el estudio del discurso político. Mondalvia: Generis Publishing.

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching for the Culture Course of Spanish-speaking Countries (8 CFU) is divided into two modules: 1) Sectoral or specialty languages ​​2) Analysis of political discourse The Sectoral Languages ​​Module: the topics will be dealt with frontally and in SEMINAR / CONFERENCE FORM. Students are therefore required to attend both the lectures and the seminars that will take place during the academic year and which will be recommended by the teacher. An essay will be held to be agreed with the teacher. Module I II: Political language: the topics will be treated head-on and a paper will be held to be agreed with the teacher on the topics listed below.


to make the exemption

Type of evaluation

The exam includes an oral interview. The oral exam concerns module I (Sectoral languages) and module II (Political language) and will take into account the essays that are preparatory to the oral exam and that must be delivered at least two weeks before the oral exam for non-attending students. . Information on the papers to be prepared (follow the form, provided by the teacher, for the analysis of the speech) module I prepare an essay in Spanish by analyzing texts from which to extrapolate the following languages: - legal-administrative (2 a text in Spanish and one in Italian) - journalistic (2 a text in Spanish and one in Italian) - advertising (2 a text in Spanish and one in Italian) module II prepare an essay in Spanish by analyzing 2 political speeches (at least one in Italian)