21810343 - Social Theories and Digital Media. 

The course aims to offer students the theoretical and methodological tools to understand and analyze the relationship between digital media and social and communicative dynamics in contemporary society.
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The program consists of an introductory part on the main theoretical perspectives of mass communication and new media and a monographic part dedicated to the relationship between digital media and contemporary society. This second part will also focus on society of platforms, the power of algorithms and social network, the problem of fake news and, more generally, the effects produced by medial digital on daily life and on social, political and economic dynamics.

Core Documentation

- L. Paccagnella, Sociologia della comunicazione nell’era digitale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020

A book chosen from the following:
- Z. Bauman, D. Lyon, Sesto potere. La sorveglianza nella modernità liquida, Bari, Laterza, 2015
- V. Barassi, I figli dell’algoritmo. Sorvegliati, tracciati, profilati dalla nascita, Roma, Luiss University Press, 2021.
- G. Ritzer, La McDonaldizzazione del mondo nella società digitale, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2020.
- G. Ziccardi, Tecnologie per il potere. Come usare i social network in politica, Milano, Raffello Cortina Editore, 2019

Type of delivery of the course

Oral lessons.The course includes lectures aimed at acquiring the concepts and main theories of the discipline

Type of evaluation

The exam will be oral, aimed at evaluating the preparation of the student. The student’s ability to establish links between the different themes will be evaluated, as well as the propensity of critical reflection on the phenomena being studied