The aims of the course are:
1) to know the aetiology and the molecular mechanisms of the human diseases;
2)to know how to interpret the pathophysiological mechanisms of the human diseases.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The concepts of etiology and pathogenesis of the diseases. The causes of cellular damage: ischemia, toxic radicals, chemical agents. Necrosis and apoptosis. The cellular adaptations of growth and differentiation: hyperplasia, hypertrophy, atrophy and metaplasia. Vascular and cellular events in acute inflammation, chemical mediators, outcome and morphological patterns of acute inflammation. Chronic inflammation with special reference to granulomatous inflammation. Systemic effects and effects of deranged inflammation. The acute and chronic inflammation. The chemical mediators of acute inflammation and their role. Histological features of the chronic inflammation. The granulomas of tuberculosis as an example of chronic inflammation. Systemic effects of inflammation: fever and protein of acute phase. Diagnostic markers of inflammation (ESR, blood count, proteins of acute phase, the complement). Tissue renewal and repair: Regeneration healing and fibrosis. Control of normal cell proliferation and tissue growth, mechanism of tissue regeneration, repair by healing and fibrosis. The natural and acquired immunity. The cells of the immune system. The antigen processing and the HLA system. The lymphocytes: their maturation and activation. The concept of immune tolerance. The characteristic of autoimmune diseases. Morpho-functional characteristics of the transformed cells. The role of genetic and environmental factors in the etiology of tumors. The chemical, physical and biological carcinogenesis. The DNA viruses and RNA viruses. Some diagnostic markers of cancer. Definition, nomenclature and biology of tumor growth. Molecular basis of cancer with special reference to carcinogenic agents and molecular basis of multistep carcinogenesis. Grading, staging and laboratory diagnosis of cancer.

Core Documentation

Recommended textbooks

 Pontieri, Russo, Frati - Patologia Generale e Fisiopatologia Generale VI ediz. -Tomo I - VI Edizione a cura di F.Mainiero, R.Misasi, M.Sorice - Edito da Picccin, 2018; ISBN: 978-88-299-2963-4 oppure IV Edizione ISBN: 978-88-299-2036-5
 Robbins e Cotran - Le basi patologiche delle malattie. Volume Unico di Patologie Generale. Edito da Elsevier, 8° Edizione 2010; ISBN:9788821431746

References books

 Moncharmont e coll. - Patologia Generale. Edito da Idelson - Gnocchi, 2012; ISBN:978-88-7947-542
 Abul K. Abbas and Andrew H. Lichtman and Shiv Pillai – Immunologia cellulare e molecolare – Ottava edizione 2015, Edito da Edra - Masson ISBN: 9788821447372

Reference Bibliography

available at the end of the course delivery

Type of delivery of the course



Attendance optional

Type of evaluation

The end-of-course exam aims to verify and evaluate the achievement of the educational objectives related to the topics reported in the program. During the final exam the student will be questioned on the topics reported in the program. The degree of completeness of the answer, the level of integration between the various contents of the course and the scientific appropriateness of the language will be evaluated. The achievement by the student of an organic vision of the topics addressed in class, combined with their critical use, the ability to make connections, the demonstration of the possession of an expressive mastery and specific language will be evaluated with marks of excellence. Attendance and participation in classroom activities will be considered positive elements of evaluation.