
teacher profile | teaching materials


On the basis of linguistic documents and contemporary testimonies to the different linguistic phenomena, the course will illustrate some aspects of linguistic communication in Latin, considered in its diachronic development (from protohistory to the Romance) and in its various registers (standard and informal). The reading and analysis of two comedies - one of archaic age (Plautus' Aulularia), the other of late antiquity (the Querolus by an unknown author) - intends to provide the tools to grasp the specificities of the historical evolution of the language Latin and to identify its morphosyntactic and stylistic peculiarities.

To this end, the course includes:

(1) A cycle of lessons aimed at offering an overview of the history of the Latin language from its origins up to the 6th century. d.C., through the reconstruction of the fundamental stages of its evolution in the dimension of language of use and literary language;
(2) Framework, reading, translation and commentary on the following two works:
- (a) Plautus, Aulularia.
- (b) Anonymous, Querolus sive Aulularia (extracts).

Core Documentation

For point 1 of the Course:
- F. Stolz - A. Debrunner - W.P. Schmid, Storia della lingua latina (con introduzione di A. Traina, appendice di J.M. Tronsky), Bologna, Pàtron, IV ed., 1993 (or further editions).
- Further teaching materials will be distributed in class and / or uploaded to the teacher's page available on the website of the Department of Humanities.

For point 2 of the Course:
- (a) Plauto, La pentola dell’oro, commento a cura di C. Questa, Torino, Loescher, 1978;
- (b) Querolus (Aulularia); comédie latine anonyme, èd. par C. Jacquemard, Paris, Les belles lettres, 2003.
Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text:
- Elena Malaspina, La comunicazione linguistica in latino. Testimonianze e documenti, Seconda edizione riveduta e ampliata con la collaborazione di Ermanno Malaspina, Alessandria, Ediz. dell’Orso, 2014.

Reference Bibliography

- F. Stolz - A. Debrunner - W.P. Schmid, Storia della lingua latina (con introduzione di A. Traina, appendice di J.M. Tronsky), Bologna, Pàtron, IV ed., 1993 (or further editions). - Plauto, La pentola dell’oro, commento a cura di C. Questa, Torino, Loescher, 1978; - Querolus (Aulularia); comédie latine anonyme, èd. par C. Jacquemard, Paris, Les belles lettres, 2003. - Elena Malaspina, La comunicazione linguistica in latino. Testimonianze e documenti, Seconda edizione riveduta e ampliata con la collaborazione di Ermanno Malaspina, Alessandria, Ediz. dell’Orso, 2014 (Non-attending students)

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching organization: Lectures hours 36. Mode of delivery of teaching: Traditional


The exam consists of an interview on the topics of the program. During the interview will be ascertained the student's ability to: read, translate and understand the Latin texts in the program; answer questions regarding the grammatical structure of the language (phonetics, morphology and basic syntax) starting from the texts themselves. In this way, the students will verify the breadth and depth of their knowledge; the property of their language; the ability to critically link texts and issues addressed.

Type of evaluation

The exam is oral and takes place at the end of the course, without intermediate tests. It will focus on the texts in the program and on the topics presented during the lessons. The mark is expressed on a scale from a minimum of 18 (the threshold to pass the exam) to the maximum of 30 (cum laude). Marks below 18 will be equivalent to insufficient assessment of learning.

teacher profile | teaching materials


On the basis of linguistic documents and contemporary testimonies to the different linguistic phenomena, the course will illustrate some aspects of linguistic communication in Latin, considered in its diachronic development (from protohistory to the Romance) and in its various registers (standard and informal). The reading and analysis of two comedies - one of archaic age (Plautus' Aulularia), the other of late antiquity (the Querolus by an unknown author) - intends to provide the tools to grasp the specificities of the historical evolution of the language Latin and to identify its morphosyntactic and stylistic peculiarities.

To this end, the course includes:

(1) A cycle of lessons aimed at offering an overview of the history of the Latin language from its origins up to the 6th century. d.C., through the reconstruction of the fundamental stages of its evolution in the dimension of language of use and literary language;
(2) Framework, reading, translation and commentary on the following two works:
- (a) Plautus, Aulularia.
- (b) Anonymous, Querolus sive Aulularia (extracts).

Core Documentation

For point 1 of the Course:
- F. Stolz - A. Debrunner - W.P. Schmid, Storia della lingua latina (con introduzione di A. Traina, appendice di J.M. Tronsky), Bologna, Pàtron, IV ed., 1993 (or further editions).
- Further teaching materials will be distributed in class and / or uploaded to the teacher's page available on the website of the Department of Humanities.

For point 2 of the Course:
- (a) Plauto, La pentola dell’oro, commento a cura di C. Questa, Torino, Loescher, 1978;
- (b) Querolus (Aulularia); comédie latine anonyme, èd. par C. Jacquemard, Paris, Les belles lettres, 2003.
Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text:
- Elena Malaspina, La comunicazione linguistica in latino. Testimonianze e documenti, Seconda edizione riveduta e ampliata con la collaborazione di Ermanno Malaspina, Alessandria, Ediz. dell’Orso, 2014.

Reference Bibliography

- F. Stolz - A. Debrunner - W.P. Schmid, Storia della lingua latina (con introduzione di A. Traina, appendice di J.M. Tronsky), Bologna, Pàtron, IV ed., 1993 (or further editions). - Plauto, La pentola dell’oro, commento a cura di C. Questa, Torino, Loescher, 1978; - Querolus (Aulularia); comédie latine anonyme, èd. par C. Jacquemard, Paris, Les belles lettres, 2003. - Elena Malaspina, La comunicazione linguistica in latino. Testimonianze e documenti, Seconda edizione riveduta e ampliata con la collaborazione di Ermanno Malaspina, Alessandria, Ediz. dell’Orso, 2014 (Non-attending students)

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching organization: Lectures hours 36. Mode of delivery of teaching: Traditional


The exam consists of an interview on the topics of the program. During the interview will be ascertained the student's ability to: read, translate and understand the Latin texts in the program; answer questions regarding the grammatical structure of the language (phonetics, morphology and basic syntax) starting from the texts themselves. In this way, the students will verify the breadth and depth of their knowledge; the property of their language; the ability to critically link texts and issues addressed.

Type of evaluation

The exam is oral and takes place at the end of the course, without intermediate tests. It will focus on the texts in the program and on the topics presented during the lessons. The mark is expressed on a scale from a minimum of 18 (the threshold to pass the exam) to the maximum of 30 (cum laude). Marks below 18 will be equivalent to insufficient assessment of learning.