teacher profile teaching materials
Literary history and formation of the Hebrew canon of Scripture. The Old Testament text and ancient translations (Caterina Moro).
Historical Jesus and the construction of memory: traditions and gospels (Carla Noce)
Acts, letters, apocalypses. Formation of the New Testament canon, apocryphal books. The New Testament text and ancient translations (Alberto D'Anna)
Mutuazione: 20711220 Introduzione alla Bibbia in Lettere L-10 MORO CATERINA, D'ANNA ALBERTO, NOCE CARLA
The course aims to introduce students, according to the historical-critical method, to literary and historical-religious issues related to the composition, selection, transmission and interpretation of the texts that converged in the Hebrew and Christian Bible. The course will be structured in three sections:Literary history and formation of the Hebrew canon of Scripture. The Old Testament text and ancient translations (Caterina Moro).
Historical Jesus and the construction of memory: traditions and gospels (Carla Noce)
Acts, letters, apocalypses. Formation of the New Testament canon, apocryphal books. The New Testament text and ancient translations (Alberto D'Anna)
Core Documentation
Materials concerning the course will be made available by teachers.Type of delivery of the course
The course will be conducted mainly in the form of lectures, with some moments of active participation devoted to shared discussion of the text.Attendance
Students who have difficulty attending class are asked to contact Professor Caterina Moro (caterina.moro@uniroma3.it).Type of evaluation
The examination will consist of an oral interview with teachers on the course program teacher profile teaching materials
Mutuazione: 20711220 Introduzione alla Bibbia in Lettere L-10 MORO CATERINA, D'ANNA ALBERTO, NOCE CARLA
teacher profile teaching materials
Mutuazione: 20711220 Introduzione alla Bibbia in Lettere L-10 MORO CATERINA, D'ANNA ALBERTO, NOCE CARLA