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Mutuazione: 20710090 FILOSOFIA DELLA CONOSCENZA - LM in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 CALCATERRA ROSA MARIA


Knowledge, deception and self-deception. A pathway to the epistemology of the Self.

A theoretical-historical presentation of the relationship between knowledge, deception and self-deception of the epistemology of the self; a critical analysis of representative texts of the theoretical-methodological issues involved.

Core Documentation

Ch. S. Peirce, "Questioni riguardo a certe pretese capacità umane" e "Alcune conseguenze di quattro incapacità" in "Opere", Torino: UTET 2005, pp. 83-105; 107-143.
D. Davidson, "Soggettivo, intersoggettivo, oggettivo", Milano: Raffaele Cortina Editore 2003.
A. O. Rorty, "User-Friendly Self-Deception: A Traveller’s Manual", in C. Martin (a cura di), "The Philosophy of Deception", Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 244-59.
R. M. Calcaterra, G. Marchetti, G. Maddalena (a cura di), "Il pragmatismo. Dalle origini agli sviluppi contemporanei", Roma: Carocci 2015.
R. M.Calcaterra, "Emozioni e sensazioni nella semiotica di Ch. S. Pierce", in Eadem, "Pragmatismo: i valori dell’esperienza", Roma: Carocci 2003, pp. 17-41 (fotocopie disponibili presso la copisteria “Copyando”).

Reccomended Texts:
G. Maddalena, "Peirce", La Scuola 2015.
M. Failla (a cura di), "Inganno e autoinganno", Roma: Fattore Umano Edizioni 2017.
D. Davidson, "Paradoxes of Irrationality", in R. Wollheim, J. Hopkins (eds.), "Philosophical Essays on Freud", New York: Cambridge University Press 1982, pp. 289-305.

Type of delivery of the course

One module (6 CFU) The course aims to illustrate some of the lines of today's debate on the relationship between knowledge, deception, and self-deception for the epistemology of the self, between the construction of knowledge and the justification of value criteria, in Peirce's anti-Cartesian essays and Davidson's analysis of the criterion of intersubjectivity to define subjectivity.


Students who can not attend the course are expected to select and study one additional text to be chosen from those indicated in the "Recommended Texts" section of this program. Students who can not attend are also required to produce a written paper on texts that have been agreed upon with the teacher during reception hours. The examination should be sent by email to the teacher at least ten days before the chosen exam date. The study of one additional text among those indicated in the "Recommended Texts" section by attending students will be taken into account in the final evaluation. Any written examination, valid for the verbal exam, will be organized during the course and communicated through the site FILCOSPE, on the personal page of Prof. Rosa M. Calcaterra (http://filcospe.it/index.php/persone/docenti).

Type of evaluation

Students who can not attend the course are expected to select and study one additional text to be chosen from those indicated in the "Recommended Texts" section of this program. Students who can not attend are also required to produce a written paper on texts that have been agreed upon with the teacher during reception hours. The examination should be sent by email to the teacher at least ten days before the chosen exam date. The study of one additional text among those indicated in the "Recommended Texts" section by attending students will be taken into account in the final evaluation. Any written examination, valid for the verbal exam, will be organized during the course and communicated through the site FILCOSPE, on the personal page of Prof. Rosa M. Calcaterra (http://filcospe.it/index.php/persone/docenti).