The course Literature, journalism and new media, L.M., aims to enrich the student's specialized training on contemporary Italian literature through the interrelationships with journalism, cinema and television that have profoundly changed the system of literary communication during the twentieth century. The educational perspective, open to the ongoing transformations of literary writing in relation to new communication strategies, aims to prepare the student for the potential of multiple career opportunities.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The aim of the course is to explore, in an interdisciplinary perspective, the relationship between literature and television from the 1980s to the present. In this period there was the diffusion of new technologies that have revolutionized literary communication systems.

Core Documentation

Costanza Melani-Monica Venturini, Ecce Video. Tv e letteratura dagli anni Ottanta ad oggi. Firenze, Cesati, 2018.

Authors: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Umberto Eco, Andrea Camilleri, Maria Bellonci, Francesca Sanvitale, Roberto Saviano, Carlo Lucarelli, Maurizio De Giovanni, Niccolò Ammaniti, Giancarlo De Cataldo, Marco Malvaldi, Alessia Gazzola, Elena Ferrante.

Critical essays:

Benvenuti Giuliana, Ceserani Remo, La letteratura nell’età globale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012;
Benvenuti Giuliana, Il brand Gomorra, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018;
Giomi Elisa, Magaraggia Sveva, Relazioni brutali. Genere e violenza nella cultura mediale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017;
Grasso Aldo, Il libro e la televisione. Storia di un rapporto difficile, Torino, Nuova Eri, 1993;
Locatelli Massimo Perché noir. Come funziona un genere televisivo, Milano, Vita e pensiero, 2011;
Mondello Elisabetta, Il noir degli anni Zero. Uno sguardo sulla narrativa italiana del terzo millennio, Roma, Giulio Perrone, 2015
Menduni Enrico, La grande accusata. La televisione nei romanzi e nel cinema, Archetipo, 2012.
Pedullà Gabriele, In piena luce. I nuovi spettatori e il sistema delle arti, Milano, Bompiani, 2008.
Rossini Gianluigi, Le serie tv, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016;
Serkowska Hanna (a cura di), Finzione, cronaca, realtà. Scambi, intrecci e prospettive nella narrativa italiana contemporanea, Massa, Transeuropa, 2011.
Tota Anna Lisa, Gender e media. Verso un immaginario sostenibile, Roma, Meltemi, 2008.
Una vernice di fiction. Gli scrittori e la televisione, a cura di Stefania Rimini, Duetredue, 2017.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will have a seminary structure and the lessons will be organized so as to facilitate the discussion. The course requires a written work. This draft will have to be sent fifteen days before the oral exam. Attending students will have to prepare the exam paper, a critical essay of their choice and two authors to be analyzed. The oral examination will be focused on the written work, on the texts/films/series analysed during the course and on the critical essays. Students who do not attend will have to read 2 critical essays in addition. Erasmus students will have to prepare the exam paper indicated and two authors to be analyzed.


Attendance is recommended but not mandatory.

Type of evaluation

The oral examination will be focused on the written test, on the texts/films/series analysed during the course and on the critical essays. The oral test will be evaluated according to the following items: Content knowledge / Exposure clarity / Synthesis and analysis / Language proficiency and use of appropriate language / Critical judgement skills.