The student will acquire the knowledge of the aspects, moments, questions, texts of the Italian linguistic history from the Origins to the present, with particular attention to the most ancient phases of our language and with particular reference to the medieval and Renaissance ones of the median area, and with specific attention to some paradigmatic cases. He will also acquire knowledge of the origins and foundations of Italian dialectology examined from a historical point of view.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20703166-2 STORIA DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA II L.M. in Italianistica LM-14 D'ACHILLE PAOLO


Roman dialect from the Middle Age to nowadays

Core Documentation

1) Pietro Trifone, Storia linguistica di Roma, Roma, Carocci, 2008.
2) Marcello Teodonio, La letteratura romanesca. Antologia dei testi dalla fine del Cinquecento al 1870, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2004.
3) Paolo D'Achille, Antonella Stefinlongo, Anna Maria Boccafurni, Lasciatece parlà. Il romanesco nell'Italia di oggi, Roma, Carocci, 2012.

Attending students can replace some chapters of volumes 2-3) with notes and materials provided in class.

Type of delivery of the course

Taught class involving active participation on the part of the students. Lessons can be attended in person or remotely, according to the rules and procedures established by the University, but they will not be recorded. Attendance is recommended. The syllabus is the same for all students, regardless of whether they attend.


The course intends to present the linguistic history of Rome, retracing its most salient events (both from a linguistic and historical-cultural point of view) starting from the first testimonies of the vernacular. Particular attention will be devoted to the analysis of the contemporary situation of the Roman dialect, also inserted in the wider Italian context. The analysis of the birth and evolution of the vernacular of Rome will be accompanied by the reading and analysis of particularly relevant texts, useful for completing the historical-linguistic framework provided.

Type of evaluation

An oral exam at the end of the course. Interim assessments will not be available. The exam will focus on the material referred to under ‘Bibliography’ and on the topics dealt with during the course. The exam will assess: 1) the depth and breadth of the knowledge of the subject acquired; 2) command of the technical vocabulary; 3) the ability to bring together critically topics and issues dealt with during the course.