the course aims to provide the basic theoretical knowledge on archives at the stage of their formation, as well as on the treatment of historical archives, linking the principles of the archival tradition to the new context determined by the evolution of information and communication technologies. It also offers an opportunity to contact historical documentation both as a first approach to the problems of historical research in the archives. The course also aims to make known the historical evolution of the archive as an institute or the archival understood not only as a system of theoretical principles but also as a material tradition of organization and preservation of documentation and to refine the knowledge of mechanisms for producing documents and verifying the evolutionary stages of the protection legislation developed over time.


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20704014 ARCHIVISTICA in Storia e società LM-84 PITTELLA RAFFAELE ANTONIO COSIMO


The course examines the following topics:
- the concept of the archive and the archival document;
- the archival bond and the relationship between creator and archive;
- archives and other cultural heritage complexes: similarities and differences;
- phases of archive life: current records, semi-current records, historical archives. Characteristics and management tools.
- The public archives of the State in Italy;
- records appraisal for preservation and disposal;
- elements of the history of the archives and of archival science;
- elements of archival legislation.

Core Documentation

General texts:

F. Valacchi, Diventare archivisti, Milano, Editrice bibliografica, 2022;

P. Carucci, M. Guercio, Manuale di archivistica (nuova edizione), Roma, Carocci, 2021, pp. 17-97, 187-203, 259-376, 399-458.

Articles on specific topics:

G. Cencetti, Scritti archivistici (in particolare, Il fondamento teorico della dottrina archivistica; Sull'archivio come "universitas rerum"; Inventario bibliografico e inventario archivistico), Roma 1970, pp. 38-69.

C. Pavone, Ma è poi tanto pacifico che l’archivio rispecchi l’istituto?, in “Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato”, XXX (1970), pp. 145-149.

A. D’Addario, Lineamenti di storia dell’archivistica (secc. XVI-XIX), in “Archivio storico italiano”, CXLVIII (1990), pp. 3-35.


M. Bloch, Apologia della storia o mestiere di storico, Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, 2009 (Per gli studenti dei corsi di laurea magistrale. In particolare: Capitolo secondo L'osservazione storica; Capitolo terzo La critica);

L. Giuva, S. Vitali, I. Zanni Rosiello, Il potere degli archivi. Usi del passato e difesa dei diritti nella società contemporanea, pp. 135-202.

Type of delivery of the course

The lessons have a duration of 36 hours in total (6 CFU), and take place with the help of slides and other teaching materials.

Type of evaluation

At the end of the course the student will have the skills necessary to orientate himself in the fields of archival science, and will understand the general lines of the methods of production, management, conservation, enhancement and fruition of archives.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20704014 ARCHIVISTICA in Storia e società LM-84 PITTELLA RAFFAELE ANTONIO COSIMO


The course examines the following topics:
- the concept of the archive and the archival document;
- the archival bond and the relationship between creator and archive;
- archives and other cultural heritage complexes: similarities and differences;
- phases of archive life: current records, semi-current records, historical archives. Characteristics and management tools.
- The public archives of the State in Italy;
- records appraisal for preservation and disposal;
- elements of the history of the archives and of archival science;
- elements of archival legislation.

Core Documentation

General texts:

F. Valacchi, Diventare archivisti, Milano, Editrice bibliografica, 2022;

P. Carucci, M. Guercio, Manuale di archivistica (nuova edizione), Roma, Carocci, 2021, pp. 17-97, 187-203, 259-376, 399-458.

Articles on specific topics:

G. Cencetti, Scritti archivistici (in particolare, Il fondamento teorico della dottrina archivistica; Sull'archivio come "universitas rerum"; Inventario bibliografico e inventario archivistico), Roma 1970, pp. 38-69.

C. Pavone, Ma è poi tanto pacifico che l’archivio rispecchi l’istituto?, in “Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato”, XXX (1970), pp. 145-149.

A. D’Addario, Lineamenti di storia dell’archivistica (secc. XVI-XIX), in “Archivio storico italiano”, CXLVIII (1990), pp. 3-35.


M. Bloch, Apologia della storia o mestiere di storico, Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, 2009 (Per gli studenti dei corsi di laurea magistrale. In particolare: Capitolo secondo L'osservazione storica; Capitolo terzo La critica);

L. Giuva, S. Vitali, I. Zanni Rosiello, Il potere degli archivi. Usi del passato e difesa dei diritti nella società contemporanea, pp. 135-202.

Type of delivery of the course

The lessons have a duration of 36 hours in total (6 CFU), and take place with the help of slides and other teaching materials.

Type of evaluation

At the end of the course the student will have the skills necessary to orientate himself in the fields of archival science, and will understand the general lines of the methods of production, management, conservation, enhancement and fruition of archives.