20710677 - economy and sustainable business management

The course of Economics, Management and Corporate Sustainability is part of the characterizing educational activities of the Master of Science in Environmental Humanities. The course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge about how firms are structured and managed. The course will emphasize the value of corporate sustainability as an innovative approach based on the capacity of firms to adopt strategic choices integrating social and environmental issues into business processes and stakeholder relationships. The course aims to provide both classical theories and modern approaches to corporate governance, strategic management, organization and business practices. At the end of the course, educational activities together with individual study would allow students to: 1) acquire knowledge about the directions, tools, and methods adopted by companies to make decisions with respect to both the external environment and their operational activities; 2) understand the role of management for the sustainable development of the firm; 3) evaluate models and tools of business management and identify conflicts and synergies between the economic and socio-environmental dimensions of firms' activities; 4) apply the acquired knowledge to analyze and interpret company dynamics along with specific problems, practices, and case studies.


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The enterprise and its purpose -The enterprise as a sustainable system - The relationship between the enterprise and the external environment - Stakeholders and the governance of relationships - Social responsibility and ethics in business - Sustainable strategic management of the enterprise - Analysis of the competitive environment-Resources, competencies and competitive advantage - Competitive strategies - Growth strategies - Collaboration strategies - Strategies for environmental and social sustainability - Business models, green and circular economy - Strategic plan and sustainability - Organizational design - The sustainable management of business functions - Marketing - Human resource management - The management of technology and innovation.



Type of evaluation

Verification of learning is through an oral examination of varying length. The oral examination includes a number of questions aimed at verifying: 1) the degree of acquisition of concepts, theories and models proposed in the literature for sustainable business management 2) the ability to critically analyze and interpret specific phenomena and dynamics 3) the ability to apply concepts, theories and models in real contexts

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The enterprise and its purpose -The enterprise as a sustainable system - The relationship between the enterprise and the external environment - Stakeholders and the governance of relationships - Social responsibility and ethics in business - Sustainable strategic management of the enterprise - Analysis of the competitive environment-Resources, competencies and competitive advantage - Competitive strategies - Growth strategies - Collaboration strategies - Strategies for environmental and social sustainability - Business models, green and circular economy - Strategic plan and sustainability - Organizational design - The sustainable management of business functions - Marketing - Human resource management - The management of technology and innovation.



Type of evaluation

Verification of learning is through an oral examination of varying length. The oral examination includes a number of questions aimed at verifying: 1) the degree of acquisition of concepts, theories and models proposed in the literature for sustainable business management 2) the ability to critically analyze and interpret specific phenomena and dynamics 3) the ability to apply concepts, theories and models in real contexts