20711396 - Workshop Racism and anti-racism

The aims of the Seminar are to discuss racism and antiracism in Italy, through a dialogue between different forms of knowledge and practice concerning the study of racism and antiracism. During the seminars we will examine numerous expressions of Italian racism: colonialism and its memory, race as a political category, “racial” laws, antisemitism, antifascism, whiteness, blackness and Italianness, citizenship laws, migrations, anti-Gypsyism, anti-Southern racism, decolonial practices and knowledge.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Seminars intend to discuss and scientifically analyze some of the most important aspects concerning Italian history of racism, their connections with contemporary forms of racial discrimination and the experiences of collective and individual resistance which constitute Italian antiracism. Racism will be always analyzed in an intersectional perspective, that is recognizing the mutual reproduction of it in the intersection with other social relationships of oppression based on gender, class, sexuality, religion.

Core Documentation

Texts will be available to the students during the course.

Type of delivery of the course

The seminar is tought in Italian, is based on lectures and will be in presence. Students will be encouraged to participate, drawing connections between key concepts.

Type of evaluation

After attending all seminars, students will write a short text (around 7000/8000 characters) on the topics discussed in one of the seminars.