Extracurricular training and work orientation internships

Roma Tre University has a role of promoter, giving the opportunity to those who obtained a degree in the last 12 months to carry out an extracurricular training and work orientation internship.

The internship is a period of training and orientation carried out within a working context and aimed at integrating young people into the world of work. Though it does not constitute an employment relationship, extracurricular internships are governed by regional regulations and must be duly notified by the host organization to the relevant regional authority.

Roma Tre believes in the educational importance of quality internship experiences, and, for this reason, has launched a systematic survey programme that collects the opinions of both interns and hosts with a view to contributing to the continuous improvement of the opportunities offered to its graduates.

How to activate an internship

The host organization must send an e-mail to Link identifier #identifier__124446-1ufficio.stage@uniroma3.it, specifying the region where the internship is to take place and the applicable regional legislation. The Internships Office will then transmit the documentation required for the formalization of the internship, together with further instructions relating to the internship activation process. The internship can begin only after the Internship Office has received the documentation signed by all parties concerned, and the host organization has notified the relevant regional authority.

Regulations, specific information and reference legislation

All legislative and regulatory references are available in the Italian section of the website.


Please contact the Link identifier #identifier__192784-2Internships Office for any further information.


Informazioni di sistema 30 October 2023